Issue details
Insurance tender as over £750k
Authority was granted for the Council to enter into a new contract for insurances that is within the approved budget. Cabinet approval was required because the contract value is in excess of £750k.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: An annual expenditure of less than £250,000, but has a total contract value over the lifetime of the contract of over £750,000;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/06/2021
Decision due: 29 Jul 2021 by Cabinet
Lead member: Councillor David Saunders, Cabinet Member for Finance
Lead director: Tim Willis
Contact: Clive Bowen tel: 01843 577225 Email:
What the decision will mean: Allow the Council to procure a contract with an insurer to provide insurance services for 5+2 years
- 30/07/2021 - Insurance Tender
Agenda items
- 29/07/2021 - Cabinet Insurance Tender 29/07/2021
- Cabinet report