Issue details
Adoption of revised Tenancy Strategy & Tenancy Management Strategy
A report was presented to Cabinet setting out recommendations to adopt a revised Tenancy Strategy 2022 and a Tenancy Management Policy.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Significant effect on communities;
Decision status: For Determination
Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/11/2021
Decision due: 15 Mar 2022 by Overview & Scrutiny Panel
Decision due: 17 Mar 2022 by Cabinet
Lead member: Councillor Jill Bayford, Shadow Cabinet Member for Housing
Lead director: Bob Porter
Contact: Ashley Jackson, Head of Housing and Planning Email:
Consultation process
Consultation is live on website.
All tenants have received a letter detailing the proposals with QR code and google form.
RP’s were emailed with details of consultation and links.
Council tenants
What the decision will mean: The Tenancy Strategy is a statutory document which details how we will allocate and let our homes and how we would like RP’s in the area to do the same.
Agenda items
- 15/03/2022 - Overview & Scrutiny Panel Adoption of revised Tenancy Strategy & Tenancy Management Strategy 15/03/2022
- 17/03/2022 - Cabinet Adoption of revised Tenancy Strategy & Tenancy Management Strategy 17/03/2022
- OSP report
- Cabinet report