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  • Issue
  • Issue details

    Approve the delivery plan for the UK Shared Prosperity Plan and provision in the capital programme for the capital elements of the funding

    Cabinet were provided with a report that set out a request to commence delivery of the UK Shared Prosperity programme as allocated by central government. This is on the basis that the council has an approved delivery plan for the programme by central Government. Thanet has been awarded £1,153,471 of funding to deliver projects within Community and Place; Support for Business; and People and Skills.

    Decision type: Key

    Reason Key: Expenditure or Making one-off Savings anticipated to be £250,000 or more*;

    Decision status: Recommendations Approved

    Wards affected: (All Wards);

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 17/05/2023

    Decision due: 15 Jun 2023 by Cabinet

    Lead member: Councillor Ruth Duckworth, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Property

    Lead director: Bob Porter

    Contact: Louise Askew, Head of Regeneration and Growth Email:

    What the decision will mean: The council can start to deliver its UK Shared Prosperity programme


    Agenda items


    • Cabinet report