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  • Issue
  • Issue details

    HRA Royal Crescent Refurbishment project authorisation to increase the value of the contract

    In March 2021, Cabinet gave authority to award a contract to carry out essential structural and fire safety works to Royal Crescent. Royal Crescent is a listed building of important heritage significance that is held within the council's Housing Revenue Account (HRA) social housing stock.


    Work to procure a contract for the work during the financial year 2022/23 was unsuccessful, as there was insufficient interest from the construction industry, largely as a result of the scope and timescale of the advertised package of works. Work has now been completed to tender for a contractor, based upon a revised scope of work and timescale, as set out in this report.


    This report now recommends the letting of a contract to the successful tenderer. The estimated cost of the works contract, as set out in the successful tender, is £2.3m.


    This report seeks authority for the Cabinet to:


    1. Approve the letting of a contract for the completion of the works at Royal Crescent, Ramsgate as set out in this report;
    2. Approve the change in the scope of works to remove the improvement of the basement;

    3.  Note the increase in costs of works, that was within the budget presented to Council on 11 July 2024.

    Decision type: Key

    Reason Key: Significant effect on communities;

    Decision status: Recommendations Approved

    Wards affected: Central Harbour Ward;

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 19/04/2024

    Decision due: 16 Jul 2024 by Overview & Scrutiny Panel

    Decision due: 25 Jul 2024 by Cabinet

    Lead member: Councillor Helen Whitehead, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Housing

    Lead director: Bob Porter

    Contact: Sally O'Sullivan, Head of Tenant and Leaseholder Services Email: sally.o'

    What the decision will mean: Value of the contract will be increased to enable the full scope of structural and fire safety works to be completed.


    Agenda items


    • OSP report  
    • Cabinet report