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Officers have permission to undertake the procurement and award of a contract to undertake essential improvements to the concrete structure and replacement of the windows at the East Pier Building, located at Ramsgate Royal Harbour East Pier. The estimated value of the contract will be £468k. £178k of unallocated funding from the Property Enhancement Programme will be used, in addition to the uncommitted budget remaining on the East Pier Building capital project, to ensure the Council can complete the project.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure or Making one-off Savings anticipated to be £250,000 or more*;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: Central Harbour Ward;
Notice of proposed decision first published: 11/07/2024
Decision due: 17 Sep 2024 by Overview & Scrutiny Panel
Decision due: 26 Sep 2024 by Cabinet
Lead member: Councillor Rick Everitt, Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Strategy and Transformation
Lead director: Mike Humber
Contact: Tony Marmo, Head of Coastal and Public Realm Email:
What the decision will mean: That the Council will undertake the repair works required to the East Pier building at Ramsgate Royal Harbour having appointed a contractor through a compliant tender process.