Decision details
Changing the Petitions Scheme to a Protocol
Decision Maker: Council
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
It was proposed by the Chairman, seconded by the Vice-Chairman and RESOLVED:
“THAT the recommendation as set out at paragraph 5.1 of the report be adopted, namely
That paragraphs 12.0 to 12.9 of the Council Procedure Rules be moved to Part 5 of the Council’s constitution and the following new paragraph 12.0 be added:
12.0 Petitions from the Public
The Council will receive, accept and deal with petitions from members of the public in accordance with the requirements of any Petitions Scheme from time to time adopted by the Council. The Council’s current Petitions Scheme is included in Part 5 of the Council’s constitution.”
Publication date: 23/10/2013
Date of decision: 03/10/2013
Decided at meeting: 03/10/2013 - Council
Accompanying Documents: