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  • Decision register
  • All Decisions

    The majority of decisions of the Council, Licensing Board, Planning Committee and Standards Committee, which can be viewed on this page, will have been taken after 10 July 2013.

    Title Date Effective from Call-ins
    Grenfell Enquiry Report ref: 533528/11/202412/12/20240
    Tourism Scrutiny Review Report ref: 533728/11/202412/12/20240
    External Grant Funding Scrutiny Review Report ref: 533828/11/202412/12/20240
    Adoption of the following new policies: Decant Policy and Damp, Mould and Condensation Policy ref: 533328/11/202407/12/2024Call-in expired
    Evaluation of Retention or Disposal Options for Housing Revenue Account units ref: 533428/11/202407/12/2024Call-in expired
    Allotment water rental adjustment from fees and charges ref: 533627/11/202407/12/2024Call-in expired
    Thanet Community Lotto Grants Fund - Youth projects ref: 533220/11/202420/11/2024Not for call-in
    Thanet Community Lotto Grants Fund ref: 533121/11/202421/11/2024Not for call-in