Decision details
Filming of Council meetings
Decision Maker: Council, Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
In the light of the recent conviction of Councillor Ezekiel for misconduct in public office in relation to the disposal of Council owned property and the acquisition of an adjoining property to review the role of officers involved and conduct a review of key Council Polices and Procedures to ensure that the remain fit for purpose.
It was proposed by the Chairman and seconded by the Vice-Chairman:
“THAT the recommendations as set out at Paragraph 8.1 of the report be adopted, namely:
1. That the Protocol for the Filming of Council meetings at Annex 2 of the report be approved;
2. That the Protocol be included at Part 5 of the Council’s constitution;
3. That Council Procedure Rule 34.2:
‘No audio or visual recordings shall be made at meetings except for official recordings by the clerk or recordings agreed by the Chairman to be made by accredited media organisations’
be removed from the Council’s constitution and replaced by a new Council Procedure Rule 35.0, as follows:
’35.0 Audio and Visual recordings of Council Meetings
35.1 No audio or visual recordings shall be made at meetings except for official recordings by the clerk or recordings agreed by the Chairman in advance in accordance with the ‘Protocol for Filming of Council Committee meetings’ which is included at Part 5 of this constitution’ “.
The motion, upon being put to the meeting, was declared CARRIED.
Publication date: 23/10/2013
Date of decision: 03/10/2013
Decided at meeting: 03/10/2013 - Council
Accompanying Documents: