Decision details
HRA tower blocks refurbishment and retrofit programme
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Cabinet considered a report regarding the HRA tower block refurbishment and retrofit programme. Approval requested for 2 points:
- Approval of the appointment of Mears Group PLC as design and delivery partner via direct award using the Prosper framework;
2. Approval of the appointment of the in-house delivery team, as detailed in annex 1 to the Cabinet report.
Cabinet agreed to:
- Approve the appointment of Mears Group PLC as design and delivery partner via direct award using the Prosper framework;
2. Approve the appointment of the in-house delivery team, as detailed in annex 1 (to the cabinet report).
Reasons for the decision:
The recommendations were made for the following reasons:
- Progress essential fire safety works in 5 of the councils tower blocks;
- Progress work that will assist the councils compliance with the governments net zero targets;
- Raise the standard of 5 of the councils tower blocks with refurbishment works;
- To ensure the council eligibility for full grant funding opportunities.
Alternative options considered:
The option to procure the contract through a more traditional approach was rejected because this would put at risk the Council’s ability to complete the works within timelines stipulated for the eligibility of grant funding
The option to not appoint an in house delivery team was rejected because the scale of the project cannot be managed by the current TLS establishment.
Report author: Sally O'Sullivan
Publication date: 03/03/2023
Date of decision: 02/03/2023
Decided at meeting: 02/03/2023 - Cabinet
Effective from: 11/03/2023
Accompanying Documents: