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  • Decision details
  • Decision details

    Land at Shottendane Road

    Decision Maker: Cabinet

    Decision status: Recommendations Approved

    Is Key decision?: Yes

    Is subject to call in?: Yes


    A report was considered by the Cabinet that set out a range of possible development options for a council owned site at Shottendane Road, Garlinge.


    Cabinet agreed the following:


    1. To conduct public consultation with the Gypsy and Traveller community and neighbouring residents about the proposal to establish a number of Gypsy and Traveller pitches on land off of Shottendane Road (area shown in annex 6);
    2. Following the consultation, bring back to cabinet, and prior to that to the overview and scrutiny panel, any proposal arising to submit an application for outline planning permission for the provision of Gypsy and Traveller Pitches on the land marked 1aii in annex 5;
    3. To dispose of part of the land at Shottendane Road (areas marked as 1b and 2b on annex 5) to KCC for the proposed Major Road Network (Inner Circuit) improvements and a linked sustainable drainage scheme;


    Cabinet further noted:


    1. That proposals for the provision of housing on the wider Shottendane Road site could only be considered following the assessment of all land submitted to the council as part of the ‘Call for Sites’ and the completion of the current review of the Thanet Local Plan.

    Reasons for the decision:

    The council completed a Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment in 2019, which forms part of the evidence base for the Thanet Local Plan. The study is published on the council’s website. The assessment considered the accommodation needs of gypsies, travellers and travelling showpeople. The study identified the need for 7 permanent pitches and 5 transit pitches over the Plan period to 2031.


    The council’s current adopted local plan includes relevant policy HO20,as follows:


    The need over the total Plan Period is for 7 permanent pitches and 5 transit pitches. The change of use of land to provide accommodation for Gypsy and Travelling communities will be permitted provided the proposed site is:


    • suitable for its intended use (including any associated business activity) and can be accommodated without unacceptable impact on its surroundings and surrounding land uses and the living conditions of persons living in the vicinity of the site;
    • has reasonable access to local facilities and services, particularly schools, employment and healthcare,
    • and not within a flood risk area;
    • and will not have an unacceptably detrimental impact on local environmental quality including Green Wedges or sensitive landscape areas.


    Shottendane Road has been identified as potentially suitable for the provision of some of the gypsy and traveller pitches required in the district. This followed an assessment of the planning policies and constraints of sites in the council’s ownership.


    In addition, the Thanet Local Plan sets out proposals for improvements to the major road network, including a new inner circuit, designed to take pressure off of existing trunk routes along the A28 and A256 corridors. KCC is leading work to complete detailed proposals and has consulted on a preferred ‘off-line’ route adjacent to Shottendane Road. This new route option cuts across the southern part of the Shottendane Road site (areas marked as 1b and 2b on annex 5). To enable this proposal to proceed the report recommended that the cabinet agree to transfer this area of land at the Southern end of the site to KCC for construction of the new road and a linked sustainable drainage project.

    Alternative options considered:

    Cabinet considered the recommendations set out in the officer report and any amendments to the recommendations needed. Recommendation 2 was amended by the Cabinet and agreed to read:


    Following the consultation, bring back to cabinet, and prior to that to the overview and scrutiny panel, any proposal arising to submit an application for outline planning permission for the provision of Gypsy and Traveller Pitches on the land marked 1aii in annex 5;


    The Cabinet further considered the recommendations made by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel at its meeting on 16 January 2024. The recommendations made by the panel are set out below:


    • The panel recommended that Cabinet agree recommendations 1,3 and 4, but reject recommendation 2.
    • The panel further recommended that, ‘That Council holds-off the public consultation until they have identified more suitable sites after looking at all of the Council's land holdings and thereafter conduct a full and transparent consultation.’


    Cabinet agreed to proceed with the public consultation.

    Report author: Bob Porter

    Publication date: 29/01/2024

    Date of decision: 25/01/2024

    Decided at meeting: 25/01/2024 - Cabinet

    Effective from: 06/02/2024

    Accompanying Documents: