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Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
There is a requirement to reallocate funding within the Towns Fund monies of the Simplification Pathfinder Pilot. Two aborted projects from the approved Margate Town Deal programme mean that there is funding within the programme to reallocate to other projects.
As set out by Cabinet in September, 2023 the funding will remain in Margate and will be used to support the delivery of projects within the programme. £500,000 is available within the Coastal Wellbeing Intervention and will be used to help deal with challenges from inflation impacting the Walpole Bay Pavillion and the Skatepark. £4,000,000 from the aborted Destination Dreamland project will be reallocated within the Diversifying Heritage Assets intervention.
As the Accountable Body for the projects within the Simplification Pathfinder Pilot the council is the ultimate decision maker, however this is following engagement with the new Thanet Regeneration Partnership Board and the Department for Levelling Up, Communities and Housing.
Cabinet approval to:
1. Note that moving funding between themes and projects up to a value of £5,000,000 is permissible under the Simplification Pathfinder Project;
2. Note that the reallocation of the Destination Dreamland project fund has been discussed and agreed within the Simplification Pathfinder Project;
3. Agree that the £4,000,000 from the aborted Destination Dreamland Project now be reallocated to a scheme for the Margate Winter Gardens;
4. Agree that the £325,000 from the aborted project on the Coastal Wellbeing intervention be reallocated to the Walpole Bay Pavillion project;
5. Agree that the £175,000 from the aborted project in the Coastal Wellbeing intervention be reallocated to the Skatepark project.
Two aborted schemes within the Margate Town Deal programme means that there is a need to reallocate the funding to other schemes in Margate. This decision means that the funding will support the continued delivery of key projects in the Margate Town Deal programme.
The funding identified in the report from the aborted projects could be reallocated across the whole Town Deal programme, however the outputs that are required to be delivered should still be delivered. For Coastal Wellbeing these relate to health and wellbeing improvements across the Town Deal area and the Margate Town Deal Board specifically wanted to see projects that dealt with the challenges facing much of Margate and Clifftonvile’s communities in relation to health inequalities. The Destination Dreamland outputs related to jobs, refurbishment of a heritage asset and match funding - this can be delivered through the Winter Gardens.
An alternative option is to hand back the funding to central government from the aborted projects, but this will not support the delivery of regeneration in Margate.
Report author: Louise Askew
Publication date: 14/03/2024
Date of decision: 14/03/2024
Decided at meeting: 14/03/2024 - Cabinet
Effective from: 28/03/2024
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