Issue - meetings

Budget Monitoring Qtr3

Meeting: 09/03/2017 - Cabinet (Item 417)

417 Budget Monitoring Report No 3 2016-17 pdf icon PDF 349 KB

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Cabinet noted that the overall General Fund revenue forecast was going to break even, although there were some pressures, which need to be managed. The General Fund capital programme was now funded, following Cabinet’s decisions on 17th January to amend the programme and its funding.


The main risk regarding the capital programme was the ability to spend the budget for vehicle replacements. There was a risk that the expenditure would fall in the next financial year, if the vehicles were delivered after 31st March. Funding would still be available, but the level of forecast capital expenditure in this report would not be achieved.


The Housing Revenue Account was forecast to overspend by £120,000. However this was an improvement on the forecast overspend in quarter two.


Councillor I. Gregory spoke under Council Procedure Rule 20.1.


Councillor L. Fairbrass proposed, Councillor Wells seconded and Members agreed the following:


1.  That Cabinet notes the forecast position for 2016-17 for the General Fund;


2.  That Cabinet notes the current Housing Revenue Account position;


3.  That Cabinet notes the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account Capital Programmes and agree the budget changes detailed as per Annex 1 and Annex 3 for the General Fund capital and HRA.