Issue - meetings
Asset Disposal Programme 2017-18
Meeting: 25/10/2017 - Cabinet (Item 463)
463 Asset Disposal Programme 2017-18 PDF 108 KB
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Members discussed the assets identified and approved for disposal by Cabinet in June. These assets have now been through the disposal consultation process and there have been no adverse comments received by Council.
One of these disposals, Charlotte Court, had been through legal searches and has been identified as being part of a lease with a housing association and therefore Council would not progress with the disposal of this asset.
Councillor Campbell and Councillor Taylor-Smith spoke under Council procedure 20.1.
Councillor Townend proposed, Councillor Crow-Brown seconded and Cabinet agreed the following:
1. To proceed with the disposal of assets listed in Annex 1, Part B, considered by Cabinet in June 2017 with sale proceeds being used to fund the asset management and capital programmes;
2. To proceed with the disposal of assets listed in Annex 2, Part B, considered by Cabinet in June 2017 to Parish & Town Councils and eligible community groups to ensure their continued use for the benefit of the community;
3. To withdraw from the disposal list the asset listed in Annex 2, Part C as considered at June 2017.