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461 New Revised On and Off Street Parking Schemes following community feedback PDF 121 KB
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Members noted that there are a number of off-street car parking areas that are currently free of charge. By changing these areas to pay and display with an hourly charge in line with other areas additional revenue would be generated. Charging also helped with turnover of vehicles and marked parking bays help to deal with inconsiderate parking.
There were a number of on-street parking areas around the district that could benefit by having a resident’s parking scheme, pay and display or both. Some of these areas were currently time limited bays and this was not an effective system.
As the Council was under extreme budget pressures it is estimated that all phases of the newly proposed parking schemes if put in place, would bring in additional annual revenue of approximately £390k per year.
Community consultation on the new parking scheme proposals was carried out between 5 May and 6 June 2017. The Council received a total of 290 community submissions, which were then considered as part of these new proposals.
The community feedback showed that by location the proposals for Minster/Monkton were of the greatest concern. Residents in instances where a charge was being introduced wanted later starting times and a reduced rate per hour. Responses to Minnis Bay proposals felt that there would be a negative effect on businesses and visitors; and generally opposed any parking scheme or parking control.
The following Members spoke under Council Procedure Rule 20.1:
Councillor Brimm;
Councillor Campbell;
Councillor Partington;
Councillor Game;
Councillor Bayford;
Councillor I. Gregory.
Councillor L Fairbrass proposed Townend seconded and Cabinet approved the new revised parking schemes.