Issue - meetings
To receive advice from the Local Government Association on governance processes for staffing matters
Meeting: 21/01/2020 - General Purposes Committee (Item 130)
To receive advice from the Local Government Association on governance processes for staffing matters
The General Purposes Committee received the report from the Local Government Association on governance processes for staffing matters.
Points raised from the discussion were as follows:
· The purpose of the report was not to ascribe blame but identified a lack of process around grievances.
· Members were advised that it is not possible for Council to appoint a “Super Chief Executive”.
· Members were reminded that this is separate from the disciplinary procedure- as this report only related to grievances.
The Chairman proposed and Councillor Saunders seconded:
That EKHR be instructed to look at best practice through a benchmarking exercise and formulate a draft grievance policy based on the JNC model.
Upon being put to the vote, the motion was declared CARRIED.
Meeting: 19/12/2019 - General Purposes Committee (Item 125)
To receive advice from the Local Government Association on governance processes for staffing matters
The Committee were advised by Cllr Everitt that this report was not ready and so the item would be withdrawn from the agenda for consideration in the new calendar year.