Issue - meetings
Climate Emergency CAG Recommendations
Meeting: 22/02/2022 - Cabinet (Item 795)
795 Climate Emergency CAG Recommendations PDF 93 KB
Report not ready.
Councillor B Bayford presented the report, he noted that Kent County Council (KCC) had finalised The Kent and Medway Energy and Low Emission Strategy. This detailed the route to create a low emission county and reach net zero by 2050 for the whole of Kent. The strategy had been approved by all the relevant KCC committees and Kent Leaders in 2020.
Councillor Yates spoke under Council Procedure 20.1.
Councillor B Bayford proposed, Councillor Kup seconded and Cabinet agreed the following:
1. Thanet District Council endorses the Kent and Medway Energy and Low Emission Strategy.
2. In alignment with this endorsement, the following paragraph is added to the Council’s climate change pledge:
‘Do what is within our powers and resources to support KCC, the Government, business, industry and the community to make Thanet, as a whole, net zero by 2050.’