Issue - meetings
MTD - Skate Park
Meeting: 22/02/2022 - Cabinet (Item 796)
796 Margate Town Deal - Skatepark Project PDF 153 KB
Report not ready.
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Councillor Pugh presented the report for the approval of the former Ethelbert Putting Green site to be leased for a Skatepark, as part of the Margate Town Deal. The proposal would help to deliver community activities on the ground, and could assist in dealing with the lack of social facilities in the area.
Councillor Pugh proposed, Councillor Kup seconded and Cabinet agreed the following:
1. To give delegated authority to the Director of Property to prepare and complete the lease and all other ancillary documents on the agreed terms, in consultation with the Economic Development Portfolio Holder;
2. To approve the capital virement of the full £59,000 capital programme Margate Skatepark Project budget, to the Margate Town Deal programme. The committed skatepark project for Margate within the capital programme is now due to be delivered as part of the Margate Town Deal.