Issue - meetings
Levelling Up Fund
Meeting: 28/04/2022 - Cabinet (Item 813)
813 Margate Levelling Up Fund: Third Party Grant PDF 96 KB
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Members considered the report on the Margate Levelling Up Fund and were advised that in June last year Cabinet approved the decision to submit a Levelling Up Fund bid to central government to enable EKC Group to deliver the Margate Digital campus. In October 2021 the bid was successful and the council was awarded £6.3m to enable delivery of this project.
The Council was the accountable body for the Levelling Up Fund, and as such had an agreement with central government to deliver the project, as outlined in the funding submission. However, it would be the responsibility of EKC Group to deliver the digital campus, as they were the experts in the field of education.
This funding would enable the delivery of a state of the art digital skills and training provision in the town centre, which would undoubtedly support the whole district's economic recovery and levelling up of its communities, both in terms of training opportunities and pathways, as well as increasing footfall in the high street.
EKC Group would be provided with the money through a funding grant agreement which would include the conditions required by the Council, for monitoring and evaluation of implementation progress as well as the expectations in relation to delivery of the project.
Councillor Yates spoke under Council Procedure 20.1.
Councillor Pugh proposed, Councillor Kup seconded and Cabinet agreed the following:
1. To approve the use of Grants which exceed £250,000 to third parties to deliver the agreed Department of Levelling Up Housing and Communities funded project:
· £6,306,078 capital grant to the EKC Group, to deliver the Margate Digital project, identified in the Margate Levelling Up Funding bid;
2. That each grant agreement is signed under Deed, by the Director of Law and Democracy, and the Director of Finance and S151 Officer, and is witnessed by a Member of the Council.