Issue - meetings

Approve lease arrangements for 53-57 High Street Margate, as part of the Margate Levelling Up Fund project.

Meeting: 13/10/2022 - Cabinet (Item 851)

851 Approve lease arrangements for 53-57 High Street Margate, as part of the Margate Levelling Up Fund project pdf icon PDF 111 KB


Cabinet was asked to consider the report in order to continue progress on this project. This would ensure the implementation of the Margate Levelling Up Fund scheme in order to deliver a Digital Campus in Margate High Street. Cabinet had already approved the provision of a grant from the Levelling Up Fund to EKC Group and this decision marked a step in gaining approval from Homes England to lease the building to EKC Group for delivery of this project.


Councillor Whitehead spoke under Council Procedure 20.1.


Councillor Pugh proposed, Councillor Kup seconded and Cabinet agree the following:


1.  To give delegated authority to the Director of Regeneration and the Acting Deputy Chief Executive to seek approval for the Heads of Terms as members of the Joint Venture Board between Thanet District Council and Homes England;


2.  To give delegated authority to the Interim Director of Property, in consultation with the Principal Surveyor and the Economic Development Portfolio Holder to agree Heads of Terms and enter into the relevant negotiations for a lease with EKC Group;


3.  To give delegated authority to the Interim Head of Legal and Monitoring to prepare and complete the lease and all other ancillary documents on the terms to be agreed, and sign all documents necessary to give effect to the lease agreement.