Issue - meetings

Revocation of existing Urban AQMA and designation of a new AQMA at St Lawrence

Meeting: 15/06/2023 - Cabinet (Item 10)

10 Amendment to Air Quality Management Area pdf icon PDF 454 KB

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Cabinet discussed the proposal for the revocation of existing urban wide Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) and declaration of a small defined Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) from High Street St Lawrence to Shah Place, Ramsgate. Thanet District Council (TDC) was committed to improving the environment for the local residents and reducing health inequalities often associated with air pollution.


Air quality had improved across Thanet in the last 5 years. There had been no exceedances of national air quality objectives across the district during this period. Government guidance and DEFRA appraisal of the Local Authority’s Annual Air Quality Status reports recommend that TDC considers revocation of the Air Quality Management Area, advising that no AQMA should remain where there have been 5 years of compliance with the air quality objectives.


A Detailed Assessment of two former pollution hot spots was undertaken using traffic data and dispersion modelling to predict levels across the entire area. The report indicates a risk of exceeding guideline levels at a number of properties between High Street St Lawrence and Shah Place, Ramsgate. 


The Council had increased monitoring within this area to determine whether real world measurements do reflect the modelled exceedances. The declaration of the smaller, more defined AQMA would give appropriate weight and focus for improvement measures within the subsequent Action Plan


Councillor Austin spoke under Council Procedure Rule 20.1.


Councillor Keen proposed, Councillor Yates seconded and Cabinet approved the revocation of the Urban AQMA Order (Annex 3 to the report) and approved the declaration of a smaller defined St Lawrence AQMA (Annex 4 to the report) and authorised the application of the Common Seal to the Order.