Agenda and minutes

Joint Transportation Board - Thursday, 13th June, 2013 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Cecil Street, Margate, Kent

Contact: Anona Somasundaram 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Councillor Dwyer (for whom Councillor H Scobie was present as substitute) and Mr Jeffrey & Mrs Mo Elenor.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 135 KB

To approve the Minutes of the Joint Transportation Board meeting held on 14 March 2013, copy attached.


It was NOTED that the word, “party”, at paragraph (d) on page of the minutes should read, “part”.


Subject to that amendment, the minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 14 March 2013 were approved and signed by the Chairman.


Matters arising from previous minutes


A Common Sense Plan for Safe and Sensible Street Lighting


Minute No. 91 refers


Councillor D Green spoke under Council Procedure Rule 24.1.  In doing so, he made the following points:


1.  (Referring to the last sentence of minute no. 91)  It did not appear that Mr John Burr, Director of Highways & Transportation, had informed the parish and town councils of the Board’s decisions.


2.  His interpretation of the voting for the Royal Harbour Approach site, as recorded in the minutes, was that as three Members had voted for the part-night option and three, for the no change option, there had, effectively, been six votes against trial switch off, as opposed to five votes for.


On the same basis, the votes, as recorded, for Marina Esplanade and Canterbury Road East sites could be construed as:


·  Marina Esplanade:  12 against; 0 for

·  Canterbury Road East:  8 against; 2 for.


Should not all three schemes be, therefore, removed from the trial switch-off programme?


3.  It was presently unclear as to how town and parish councils were going to be consulted on part-night lighting.  Would it be only on the criteria and not on the detail of which roads would be affected?  It was hoped that consultation with the councils would be fuller than was the case on the KCC website.


In response, Paul Valek, Thanet District Manager, Kent County Council Highways and Transportation, stated that:


a)  Voting that had taken place at the previous meeting had resulted in six sites being identified for part-night lighting and one site (i.e. Royal Approach Road), where 5 votes were a majority, for trial switch off.


b)  Trial switch off constituted phase one of the scheme.  All comments received were currently being reviewed and Board Members would be notified of the final decision on sites.  It was likely that works would commence in July 2013.


c)  Phase 2 - part-night lighting - was still at an early stage, and would be subject to a high profile public consultation exercise.  Consultants were currently identifying areas using exception criteria, targeting a start of works on site in the Autumn, implemented district by district.


Councillor Johnston, who also spoke under Council Procedure Rule 24.1, stated that:


  i.  When she had advised the parish councils of the outcomes of the previous meeting, they had expressed deep concerns.


  ii.  The police, who, it was understood, had been in correspondence with KCC,  had also expressed concerns about the proposal to reduce lighting at Green Lane/ George Hill Road on the basis of the number of accidents that had occurred in that area.  It was believed that this site was being reviewed by KCC.


  iii.  Ninety letters from members of the public had been submitted via the Chief Executive of Thanet District Council, objecting to trial switch off at Royal Approach Road;


In response, Paul Valek confirmed that the plan to reduce street lighting, based on a policy decision of KCC Cabinet, would go ahead.  There would be no consultation on individual sites in Phase 2 (part-night lighting), but  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4a


Request for double yellow lines on Draper's Avenue and Farley Road, Margate


Minute No. 92 refers


In response to a Member’s query, Robin Chantrill-Smith confirmed that he would be raising this issue with the emergency services when he met with them next.



Zebra Crossing - Northdown Road j/w Godwin Road, Cliftonville

Minute No. 88a refers


It was NOTED from Paul Valek, Thanet District Manager:


1.  The scheme design for the Northdown Road zebra crossing had been through the safety audit process.  Any concerns raised had been taken into consideration, and plans amended as necessary.


2.  The proximity of the junction of Sweyn Road had not been raised by the safety auditor as a matter of concern.


3.  This site was different from that on Queen Street, Ramsgate. Visibility was much greater as building lines were set further back and there was an existing kerb build out.


4.  The width of road and road layout at Northdown Road allowed a zebra crossing to be installed without restricting turning movements of vehicles.  On the other hand, turning movements would have been compromised at the desired location on Queen Street.


5.  The purpose of the zebra crossing on Northdown Road was to address an existing poor crash record involving pedestrians.  The site was on a pedestrian desire line, utilised an existing kerb build out and did not impact upon parking stock or bus stops.


Councillor S Hart, who pointed out that the zebra crossing had been installed already, expressed disappointment that no feedback had been given to Board Members prior to implementation of the scheme.


Mr W Scobie referred to the lack of visibility resulting from vans being parked on the two loading bays near to the crossing.


It was AGREED that a site meeting takes place at this location, with the Traffic Engineer in attendance.



Hereson School, Ramsgate Road, Broadstairs- new access and zebra crossing on Ramsgate Road and new access to Merrivale Heights

Minute No. 89 refers


Paul Valek updated Members as follows:


1.  Since the last Board meeting, there had been site meetings with the developer and liaison with residents, with a view to finding solutions to issues raised by Members.


2.  The developer had now agreed:


a)  to provide an advance letter to all residents at least one week before any works commenced;


b)  to provide advance warning signs at least one week in advance of works;


c)  to provide residents with a list of contacts, including out of hours’ details;


d)  to ensure that access was maintained for emergency services at all times and, in agreement with Thanet District Council, that access was available for residents’ refuse collection;


e)  to access the Hereson school site from Ramsgate Road only.



Highway Works Programme 2013/14 pdf icon PDF 152 KB


It was NOTED that the parish in which “Preston Road” was situated should read, “Manston”, not “Monkton” (Appendix A).


APPENDIX A – Surface Treatments


It was NOTED from Paul Valek, Thanet District Manager, that:


1.  the following micro asphalt schemes had been delayed owing to gas works:


§  Freemans Road, Minster

§  Lymington Road, Margate

§  Linden Close, Margate


2.  the following micro asphalt schemes were now expected to be completed before the end of August 2013:


§  Rumfields Road, Broadstairs

§  Tivoli Road, Margate

§  Preston Road, Manston

§  Stone Road, Broadstairs


3.  all surface dressing schemes listed on Annex A  had been completed;


4.  funding for machine resurfacingat Rumsfields roundabout and Haine Road, Ramsgate, had still to be confirmed.


Paul Valek responded to Members’ queries and comments as follows:


a)  Hartsdown Road, Margate – Machine resurfacing.  School term-times would be avoided, if possible.


b)  Victoria Road, Margate – Micro Asphalt Scheme.   The reported problem of low covers following resurfacing works would be referred to the resurfacing team.


APPENDIX B – Drainage Repairs and Improvements


Paul Valek reported that further drainage schemes were currently being assessed, subject to availability of funding. 


Mr W Scobie referred to a history of flooding on Upper Dane Road, Margate.  Paul undertook to speak to the Drainage Engineer and to report back to Mr Scobie.


APPENDIX D – Developer Funded Works


It was NOTED that the sea defence works in Margate were now complete.



APPENDIX E – Transportation, PROW and safety schemes


1.  Broadley Road j.w. St Peter’s Road, Margate – installation of toucan crossing


Councillor S Hart suggested that the speed limit on the approach to this junction be reduced to 40 mph, with speed awareness signs being installed.


Mr W Scobie expressed appreciation for the safety measures that had already been put in place, making the location safer for cyclists and pedestrians.


2.  Canterbury Road West and A256 Sandwich Road, Cliffsend


In response to a Member’s concerns, Paul Valek confirmed that traffic calming measures along Sandwich Road were currently under review, as was the design of Lord of the Manor roundabout.


Highway Tracker Survey 2012 pdf icon PDF 581 KB

  • View the background to item 6.


The report on the Highway Tracker Survey 2012 was NOTED.


Traffic Management - Changes to Hawley Square and Marine Drive, Margate, Pay and Display pdf icon PDF 79 KB

Additional documents:


On the proposal of Mr W Scobie, seconded by Councillor K Gregory, it was AGREED:


1.  THAT the existing pay and display areas at Hawley Square, Margate, as indicated at Annex 1 to the report, be changed  to mixed display and residents permits;


2.  THAT the four existing pay and display bays along Marine Drive, Margate, as indicated at Annex 2 to the report, be changed to two bays with hotel permits and one bay for disabled person’s parking;


3.  THAT the proposals which require statutory consultation be advertised and that any objections be reported back to a future meeting of the Board.


Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday, 3 September 2013


It was NOTED that the next meeting of the Board would be held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday, 3 September 2013.