Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Cecil Street, Margate, Kent. View directions
Contact: Gabriella Stewart
Link: this meeting will be livestreamed
No. | Item |
Announcements To receive any announcements from the Chairman, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or Chief Executive in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.2 (iv). Minutes: There were no announcements made at the meeting. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from the following members:
Councillors Gregory; Councillor Dennis; Councillor Farrance; Councillor Potts.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest. Members are advised to consider the advice contained within the Declaration of Interest advice attached to this Agenda. If a Member declares an interest, they should complete the Declaration of Interest Form Minutes: Councillor Piper declared an interest under 2023/24 Budget And 2023-27 Medium Term Financial Plan.
Councillor Boyd declared a significant interest in the 2023/24 Budget And 2023-27 Medium Term Financial Plan as she held a residents parking permit. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting To approve the Minutes of the meeting of Council held on 8th December 2022, copy attached. Minutes: It was proposed by the Chair, seconded by the Vice-Chair and agreed that the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 8 December 2022 be approved and signed by the Chair. |
Treasury Management Strategy and Annual Investment Strategy 2023/24 Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Saunders proposed, Councillor Ashbee seconded and Members agreed:
That the Council approves the report and annexes, including each of the key elements below:
a. The Capital Plans, Prudential Indicators and Limits for 2023-24 to 2025-26, including the Authorised Limit Prudential Indicator; b. The Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Policy; c. The Treasury Management Strategy for 2023-24 to 2025-26, and the Treasurer Indicators. |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was noted that in accordance with council procedure rule 17.6, a recorded vote would be taken on the motion or any amendments and substantive motions.
It was proposed by Cllr Saunders and seconded by the Leader that:
1. That the HRA budget for 2023/24 is approved; 2. That the revised Housing Revenue Account capital programme (Annex 1) for 2023-27 is approved; and 3. That the HRA business plan is noted.
The Legal and Monitoring Officer conducted a recorded vote on the motion as follows:
49 Councillors voted in favour of the Motion
Councillors Albon, Ashbee, Austin, Bailey, Bambridge, J Bayford, R Bayford, Boyd, Braidwood, Coleman-Cooke, Crittenden, Currie, Dexter, Duckworth, Everitt, Fellows, Garner, Hart, Hopkinson, Huxley, Keen, Kup, Leys, Pat Moore, Paul Moore, Anne-Marie Nixey, Ovenden, Parsons, L Piper, Rev. S Piper, Pugh, Rattigan, Rawf, Rogers, Rusiecki, D Saunders, M Saunders, Savage, Scobie, Scott, Shrubb, Smith, Tomlinson, Towning, Wallin, Whitehead, Wing, Wright and Yates.
No Councillors voted against the Motion.
No Councillors Abstained.
Councillor Shonk joined the meeting at this point. |
2023/24 Budget and 2023-27 Medium Term Financial Plan Additional documents:
Minutes: It was noted that in accordance with council procedure rule 17.6, a recorded vote would be taken on the motion or any amendments and substantive motions.
It was proposed by Councillor D Saunders and seconded by the Cllr Ashbee, that the recommendations set out in the report be agreed, namely:
1. The 2023/24 General Fund revenue budget is approved 2. The 2023/24 schedule of Fees and Charges is approved 3. The 2023-27 General Fund capital programme is approved.
Councillor Yates proposed and Councillor Everitt seconded the following amendment:
“To remove the planned increase in charges for resident and visitor permits, resulting in charges being frozen at their 2022/23 level; with the corresponding reduction in forecast income managed through the Council’s earmarked reserve for on-street parking;”
The Interim Head of Legal and Monitoring Officer conducted a recorded vote on the motion as follows:
47 Members voted in favour of the amendment:
Councillors Albon, Ashbee, Austin, Bailey, Bambridge, J Bayford, R Bayford, Braidwood, Coleman-Cooke, Crittenden, Currie, Dexter, Duckworth, Everitt, Fellows, Garner, Hart, Hopkinson, Huxley, Keen, Kup, Leys, Pat Moore, Paul Moore, Anne-Marie Nixey, Ovenden, Parsons, L Piper, Pugh, Rattigan, Rawf, Rogers, Rusiecki, D Saunders, M Saunders, Savage, Scobie, Scott, Shonk, Shrubb, Smith, Tomlinson, Towning, Wallin, Whitehead, Wright and Yates
No Members voted against amendment:
Three members abstained:
Councillors Boyd, Stuart Piper and Wing.
The amendment was AGREED.
Councillor Albon proposed and Councillor Everitt seconded the following Amendment:
To remove £85k growth from the estates budget for on-going staffing resources, to be replaced by a £170k allocation from the risk reserve to provide temporary staffing resources in the estates budget over two years; the £85k saved being allocated to the Street Cleansing Budget to provide additional resources for the creation of three full time equivalent Environmental Operative roles within the base budget.
The Interim Head of Legal and Monitoring Officer conducted a recorded vote on the motion as follows:
20 members voted in favour:
Councillors Albon; Austin, Bailey; Crittenden; Currie; Duckworth; Everitt; Garner; Hopkinson; Huxley; Keen; Pat Moore; Ann-Marie Nixey; Ovenden; Rawf; Scobie; Smith; Whitehead; Wing; Yates.
28 Members voted against:
Councillors Ashbee, Bambridge; Jill Bayford; Robert Bayford; Braidwood; Coleman-Cooke; Dexter; Fellow; Hart; Kup; Leys; Paul Moore; Parsons; Linda Piper; Pugh; Rattigan; Rogers; Rusiecki; David Saunders; Mave Saunders; Savage; Scott; Shonk; Shrubb; Tomlinson; Towning; Wallin; Wright
2 abstained:
Councillor Boyd and Councillor Stuart Piper.
The amendment was LOST.
Councillor Duckworth proposed and Councillor Everitt seconded the following Amendment:
“To remove £25k growth for seaweed removal from the budget and, in view of the consensus this item is needed, ask cabinet to consider a different way to fund it at its March meeting; the £25k saved to be allocated to a new permanent role of tree planting and biodiversity gain officer;”
The Interim Head of Legal and Monitoring Officer conducted a recorded vote on the motion as follows:
16 members voted in favour:
Councillors Albon; Crittenden; Currie; Duckworth; Everitt; Garner; Hopkinson; Huxley; Keen; Pat Moore; Ann-Marie Nixey; Ovenden; Rawf; Scobie; Whitehead ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Budget Monitoring 2022/23: Report No.1 Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor D Saunders and seconded by the Cllr Ashbee, and Members agreed the recommendations set out in the report, namely:
“1. That Council approves a one-off supplementary General Fund 2022/23 revenue budget of £100,000 be approved for the creation of a fund for coastal projects; to be wholly funded from an external contribution from Southern Water.
2. That Council approves a supplementary General Fund revenue budget of £63,000 be approved for additional resources to support the delivery of regeneration schemes in the district; to be funded from a corresponding increase in the income budget for retained business rates.
3. That Council approves a supplementary General Fund revenue budget of £100,000 be approved for additional resources to support the delivery of property related services; to be funded from the Repairs Reserve.
4. That Council approves the 2022/23 supplementary capital budgets, numbered 1 to 4, as set out in section 5.” |
Budget Monitoring Report Q2: 2022/23 Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor D Saunders and seconded by the Cllr Ashbee, and Members agreed the recommendations set out in the report, namely:
“That Council approves a supplementary General Fund Revenue Budget of £48,000 for the appointment of two interim property surveyors, to be wholly funded from an associated increase in property income streams.” |
Changes to Committees, Panels and Boards - 2022/23 Additional documents: Minutes: The agenda item was deferred to the Full Council meeting of Thursday 23rd February 2023.