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Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Cecil Street, Margate, Kent
Contact: Gabriella Stewart
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Minutes: The Chair asked for nominations for the Chair of Council for 2024/25.
Councillor Will Scobie thanked Councillor Edwards for his work as the Chair of Council for 2023/24. Councillor Scobie then proposed and Councillor Albon seconded that Councillor Debra Owen-Hughes be the Chair of Council for 2024/25.
Councillor Pugh thanked Councillor Edwards for his work as the Council Chair for 2023/24. Councillor Pugh then proposed and Councillor Kup seconded that Councillor Paul Moore be the Chair of Council for 2024/25.
When put to the vote, the Chair declared that Councillor Debra Owen-Hughes had been elected as the new Chair of Council for 2024/25.
Councillor Edwards thanked Members and officers for the support during his tenure of office.
The meeting was adjourned to enable the new Chair to assume her role.
The meeting resumed with Councillor Debra Owen-Hughes Chairing the meeting.
Councillor Owen-Hughes took the declaration of acceptance of office, gave a speech of thanks and confirmed that Mr Derek Blackman would be her escort. |
Election of Vice-Chair PDF 72 KB Minutes: The Chair called for nominations to the role of Vice Chair for 2024/25.
Councillor Green congratulated the new Chair of Council. Councillor Green proposed and Councillor Will Scobie seconded that Councillor Anne-Marie Nixey be the Vice Chair of Council for 2024/25.
Councillor Pugh proposed and Councillor Kup seconded that Councillor Paul Moore be the Vice Chair of Council for 2024/25.
When put to the vote, the Chair declared that Councillor Anne-Marie Nixey had been elected as the new Vice Chair of Council for 2024/25.
Councillor Nixey took a declaration of acceptance of office, gave a speech of acceptance of office. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from the following Members:
Councillor Bambridge; Councillor Farooki; Councillor d’Abbro; Councillor Donaldson; Councillor Dennis. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 154 KB To approve the Minutes of the meeting of Council held on 28 March 2024, copy attached. Minutes: The Chair proposed, the Vice-Chair seconded, and Councillors agreed the minutes of the meeting of Full Council on 28 March 2024. |
Declarations of Interest PDF 87 KB To receive any declarations of interest. Members are advised to consider the advice contained within the Declaration of Interest advice attached to this Agenda. If a Member declares an interest, they should complete the Declaration of Interest Form Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Announcements To receive any announcements from the Chairman, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or Chief Executive in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.2 (iv). Minutes: The Chair announced that as a celebration of Thanet District Council turning 50, there was going to be a drinks reception after the meeting, which all councillors and officers were invited to. |
Responsibility for Functions - Executive Delegations PDF 81 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Rick Everitt, Leader of Council and Cabinet Member for Strategy and Transformation advised the meeting of the following Cabinet Portfolio structure and Portfolio Holder appointments:
Councillor Whitehead, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Housing; Councillor Albon, Cabinet Member for Cleansing and Coastal Services; Councillor Yates, Cabinet Member for Corporate Services; Councillor Keen Cabinet Member for Community; Councillor K. Bright, Cabinet Member for Parking; Councillor Duckworth, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Property.
Councillor Reece Pugh, Shadow Leader and Shadow Cabinet Member for Strategy and Transformation advised the meeting of the following Shadow Portfolio Holder appointments:
Councillor Kup, Shadow Deputy Leader and Shadow Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Property; Councillor Rattigan, Shadow Cabinet Member for Corporate Services; Councillor Bayford, Shadow Cabinet Member for Housing; Councillor Rogers, Shadow Cleansing and Coastal Services; Councillor Bambridge, Shadow Cabinet Member for Community; Councillor Dawson, Shadow Cabinet Member for Parking.
Members noted the appointments. |
Composition of Committees, Panels and Boards - 2024/25 PDF 111 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Number and size of committees
The Chair proposed, Vice Chair seconded and Council agreed that the number of committees and the number of members to serve on those committees as shown in table 2 of the report, be adopted subject to the proportionality option agreed upon later in the agenda.
The Chair said that consensus amongst group leaders had been achieved and regarding the proportionality option to use for allocating seats on committees.
The Chair moved, Vice Chair seconded and Council approved the proportionality between groups for Committees, Panels and Boards as shown in Option three of the report.
Nomination of members to serve on committees
The meeting noted the nominations to committees as detailed in the various committee tables below.
Planning Committee
Planning Committee(pool of substitute Members)
Licensing Board
Overview and Scrutiny Panel
Government and Audit Committee
Government and Audit(pool of substitute Members)
Representation on Outside Bodies PDF 76 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Everitt moved, Councillor Albon seconded and Council agreed the following:
1. The list of Executive appointed outside bodies (as detailed in the table 1 below); 2. The list of Non-Executive outside bodies (as detailed in the table 2 below); 3. The nominations to the Non-Executive outside bodies (as detailed in the table 2 below).
Proposed List of Executive Appointed Outside Bodies – for the municipal year 2024/25
Table1 Name of Outside Body No. of Reps Councillor
British Ports Association 1 Community Safety Partnership 1 Domestic Violence Forum 1 (+1 reserve) East Kent Opportunities Ltd 1 East Kent Spatial Development Company 1 Kent Police and Crime Panel 1 Local Government Association Coastal Special Interest Group 1 Local Government Association District Councils’ Network 1 Local Government Association General Assembly 1 Local Government Association Strategic Aviation Specialist Interest Group 1 Manston Skills and Employment (MSE) Board 1 South East England Councils 1 Thanet (Ramsgate) Harbour Users’ Groups 1 (+1 reserve) Thanet Quality Bus Partnership 1 Tourism South East 1 Your Leisure Thanet Sub Group 2
Table 2 Name of Outside Body No. of Reps Councillor/s
Age UK: Thanet 1 Edwards Campaign to Protect Rural England 1 Nixey Citizens Advice, Thanet 2 Matterface/Edwards Millmead Children’s Centre Partnership Ltd 1 Boyd Multiple Sclerosis Society 1 Keen Parking and Traffic Regulation Outside London 1 J. Bright River Stour (Kent) Internal Drainage Board 1 W. Scobie Sandwich and Pegwell Bay National Nature Reserve Steering Group1 Ovenden Thanet Countryside Trust 2 J. Bright/Wright Thanet Rural Regeneration Group 1 Garner Thanet Volunteer Bureau 1 Ara The Friends of Margate Cemetery 2 Whitehead/Yates Trust for Thanet Archaeology 2 Ovenden/Whitehead Young People's Partnership 1 d’Abbro |