Agenda and minutes

Extraordinary, Cabinet - Thursday, 17th July, 2014 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Cecil Street, Margate, Kent. View directions

Contact: charles hungwe 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies received at the meeting.


Declaration of Interests

To receive any declarations of interest. Members are advised to consider the advice contained within the Declaration of Interest form attached at the back of this agenda. If a Member declares an interest, they should complete that form and hand it to the officer clerking the meeting and then take the prescribed course of action.


There were declarations of interest made at the meeting.


Manston International Airport - CPO Indemnity Partner Process pdf icon PDF 77 KB

Report to follow.


Cabinet considered the proposed timeline for identifying an indemnity partner in the event a CPO is sought for Manston Airport and the procurement process that would be involved in achieving that objective. Cabinet was advised that the Leader of Council’s motion at Full Council affirmed the Council’s considerable disappointment at the recent closure of Manston as a regional airport.


There was recognition of the public support for the continued operation of Manston Airport. Cabinet endorsed the steps taken so far towards that objective. The Leader urged all available options to that end to be explored, including a detailed examination of the legal and financial implications of a Compulsory Purchase Order before a final decision is reached.


Cabinet acknowledged that the petition and the motion on the Manston Airport were referred to Cabinet on 31st July 2014. They expected that by then officers would have been able to advise Cabinet on some of the key issues in deciding whether to take forward a CPO. Such advice would include the preliminary results of a viability assessment.


Members urged officers to identify whether EU Rules applied in this case or not as this would have time scale implications for how long it would take to complete the process. Cabinet noted that at every stage there was a need to demonstrate that all the financial and legal issues were fully addressed. All the risks for this major project would need to be analysed, measured and managed in order to ensure that public funds were committed appropriately.


Cabinet noted that Manston Airport was important to the district’s economic development and that there was cross party working towards ensuring that the Airport remained operational. Members also noted that Kent County Council (across the political groups) was in support of the efforts being made by Thanet District Council.


The following Members spoke under Council Procedure Rule 24.1:

Councillor Gibson;

Councillor Alexandrou;

Councillor Poole.


Councillor Johnston proposed, Councillor E. Green seconded and Members unanimously agreed the following


1.  That the timetables are noted and that the appropriate process be initiated in the event that Cabinet determines a CPO should be applied for.


No proposal was made in relation to the bond issue because that matter would be discussed in more detail at the Cabinet meeting on 31 July 2014.