Agenda item

2013/14 Budgets and Medium Term Financial Plan 2013-17


It was proposed by Councillor Everitt and seconded by Councillor Hart:


“That the recommendations as set out at Paragraph 12 of the report be adopted, namely:


12.1  That Members approve the draft Medium Term Financial Plan at Annex 1;


12.2  That Members approve the draft General Fund Revenue budget estimates for 2013/14 to 2016/17 and the resulting budget requirements for 2013/14;


12.3  That Members approve the level of general reserves be held at £2,177K and specific earmarked reserves be used as identified in Annex 2;


12.4  That Members approve the HRA budget estimates for 2013/14 to 2016/17 and the HRA service charges as shown at Annex 4;


12.5  That Members approve the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account Capital Budgets for 2013/14 as detailed at Annexes 5 and 6;


12.6  That Members approve the draft Treasury Management Strategy (at Annex 3) as approved by the Governance and Audit Committee at its meeting on 11 December 2012.”


In making his proposal, Councillor Everitt thanked officers, particularly the Chief Executive and Financial Services Manager, for their work in connection with the draft budget.


Amendment No. 1


It was proposed by Councillor Wise, and seconded by Councillor Bayford:


“This Council agrees the removal of the following increases in spending for the Thanet District council 2013/14 budget and that the £160,000 saved is used to reduce Council Tax bills to residents by 2%:


1.  Canvass costs, £25,000

2.  New Cabinet & shadow posts, £22,000

3.  Overview and Scrutiny support post, £17,000

4.  New director post with on costs, £106,000.


A debate took place on the amendment, during which, in response to a question from Councillor W Scobie, the Chief Executive confirmed that the council was statutorily required, as part of its canvass process, to “knock on the doors” of those residents who had failed to return completed electoral registration forms.


Upon the amendment being put to the vote, the Chairman having ruled that a recorded vote take place, the amendment was declared LOST, 24 voting for, 27 against and 2 abstaining as follows:




Councillors:  Bayford, Binks, Bruce, Coleman-Cooke, Day, Ezekiel, Gideon, I Gregory, Grove, Hayton, Hornus, Kirby, Marson, Moores, Roberts, D Saunders, M Saunders, Savage, Sullivan, M Tomlinson, S Tomlinson, Wiltshire, Wise and Wright.




Councillors:  Aldred, Alexandrou, Campbell, Cohen, Dark, Dwyer, Edwards, Everitt, Fenner, Gibson, D Green, E Green, Harrison, C Hart, S Hart, Hibbert, Huxley, Johnston, Lodge-Pritchard, Matterface, Moore, Nicholson, Poole, H Scobie, W Scobie, Watkins and Worrow.




Councillors:  Driver & King


Amendment No. 2


It was proposed by Councillor Driver and seconded by Councillor King:


“That a new recommendation 12.7 be added as follows:


12.7  “That Members approve the establishment of a substantial discretionary hardship fund of £275,000 which will be used to assist Thanet residents facing serious difficulties in paying their rent and council tax as a consequence of changes to Housing and Council Tax Benefit; the money to be found from either the New Homes Bonus, the Events Budget, the Floral Decorations Budget, free car parking.”


This amendment was RULED OUT by the Chairman, following advice from the Chief Executive that there were insufficient costings to support it.


Original Motion


The original motion was then debated.  On a point of clarification for Councillor Grove, the Chief Executive stated that, although a reduction of £10,000 in Minster Parish grant had initially been included as an indicative saving for 2013/14, that reduction was excluded from the proposed saving for 2013/14, as indicated in Table 6 of the report.


Upon the original motion being put to the vote, and the Chairman having ruled that a recorded vote be taken, the motion was declared CARRIED, 27 voting for and 25 against as follows:




Councillors:  Aldred, Alexandrou, Campbell, Cohen, Dark, Dwyer, Edwards, Everitt, Fenner, Gibson, D Green, E Green, Harrison, C Hart, S Hart, Hibbert, Huxley, Johnston, Lodge-Pritchard, Matterface, Moore, Nicholson, Poole, H Scobie, W Scobie, Watkins and Worrow.




Councillors:  Bayford, Binks, Bruce, Coleman-Cooke, Driver, Ezekiel, Gideon, I Gregory, Grove, Hayton, Hornus, King, Kirby, Marson, Moores, Roberts, D Saunders, M Saunders, Savage, Sullivan, M Tomlinson, S Tomlinson, Wiltshire, Wise and Wright.

Supporting documents: