Agenda item

Response to Airport Master Plan - Kent International Airport (KIA).


It be recommended to Council:


8.1.1  That Members agree in principle to the aspirations of the Draft Masterplan as it broadly aligns with Government guidance and Regional and Local Planning Policy and guidance and complies with the requirements of the existing Section 106 agreement on the airport.


8.1.2  That the airport be requested to amend the draft Masterplan to address the results of its consultation, inform consultees of proposed amendments and reconsult upon its proposed amendments prior to finalising the Masterplan, consultation to be undertaken with statutory Planning Consultees including GOSE, SEERA, The Highways Agency and SEEDA.


8.1.3 That proposed amendments include the following alterations/additions to the Masterplan:


(1)  More specific measurable targets with regard to;


·  Sustainability;

·  Carbon neutrality;

·   Emission control (including proposals relating to  airline offsetting  measures)


(2) More specific details are provided with regard to the establishment of an Air Transport Forum and the development of a Surface Access Strategy to cope with predicted growth. The forum remit would include the provision of Realistic revisions to forecasting of surface access issues based upon an aspiration for greater use of public transport and alternative means of transport to the private car.


(3) Reference to the impact of the present economic conditions on predictions for short-term development


(4) The inclusion of more specific proposals for the phasing of development proposals and associated infrastructure provision required as a result of those proposals for the period up to 2018, with details of approximate costs at today’s prices. This analysis should confirm that measures proposed will ensure there is sufficient infrastructure capacity to cater for the growth of the airport in the context of other development aspirations for the area.


(5) That more specific proposals, with timescale details are put forward for the implementation of environmental studies to assess the implications of phased growth and preparation of mitigation proposals where required. These studies to take place in consultation with the Environment Agency and Natural England and to result in the production of an Environmental Statement to accompany the Masterplan.  This process must comply with the requirements of relevant EU Environmental Law.


(6) That the status of proposals in the Masterplan that do not accord with the present extant policy documents, (ie: the Northern Grass, potential offsite highway improvements and parking proposals) are clearly identified as such in the Masterplan. The Masterplan should make it clear that these proposals are aspirations to be pursued through the LDF process.


(7) That the Masterplan clearly defines how it aims to meet all the requirements of the Section 106 agreement, including night flying and adherence to identified routes for take off and landing.


(8) That the Masterplan be amended with reference to the permitted development rights available to the airport.


(9) That more specific reference is made to the implications of the introduction of Public Safety Zones at either end of the runway.


8.1.4  This report, subject to Member comment, will proceed to Council on 23 April.  After Council has decided its response, Officers will work with Airport Management towards further consultation and amendment of the draft Masterplan such that a final version of the document is produced.

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