Agenda item
Leader's Report
In his report, the Leader of the Council referred to:
1. How the Council was working closely with national organisations:
The Leader and Councillors Johnson and Will Scobie had contributed towards the report of the Centre for Social Justice, whose aim was to seek solutions to poverty.
2. How the Council was working closely with other seaside authorities:
The Council was continuing to work with Hastings and Tendring Councils on the “SUCCESS” Programme, the aim of which was to encourage growth in the creative and cultural industries in the South East coastal area. The core themes shared by the councils were housing, worklessness and offshore renewable energy and, together, the councils were fighting the case for coastal areas through the Local Enterprise Partnership Growth Plan.
3. How the Council was working closely with the county authority:
Under the jointly run Live Margate Scheme, an ugly and problematic 20-30 bed house in multiple occupationin Cliftonville had recently been converted into two beautiful 4-bedroom properties. Further funding had been accessed through the Homes and Communities Agency for the creation of 30 homes in Ramsgate and the regeneration of 15 additional properties above local shops.
4. How the Council was working with our neighbouring local authorities, particularly with Dover District Council owing to the two Councils’ joint Assisted Area Statusand economic and geographic connections. He and the Leader of Dover District Council would continue to work for the benefit of residents and support the Grow for It East Kentcampaign.
5. How the Council was working closely with Thanet Clinical Commissioning Group:
The Health and Wellbeing Board meetingshad now been established, and a series of joint internal discussion sessions planned. The last full meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board had included a Children’s Summit, involving leading local children’s agencies.
He supported the campaign to have our local Children’s Centres remain open.
6. How the Council was working with local business.
The Chairman of Council was to be congratulated on her focus on our local businesses. He had joined the Chairman on a programme of business visitsin Thanet. The visits not only fitted in with the Chairman’s civic role, but were also relevant to his Cabinet portfolio.
7. How the Council was working with local community groups and organisations.
Many successful events, staged by local residents, voluntary and community groups, had taken place over the summer period. In particular, Councillors Johnston, Poole and Everitt had worked hard to find funding to support local groups, drive events forward and tidy up the district afterwards.
8. How the Council was working closely with Manston Airport.
The Council continued to support the airport through its environmental services. In the summer, he had attended the arrival of the A380 Airbus. He had recently learned that the MP for South Thanet may have reservations regarding the proposed Parkway Station.
At the conclusion of his report, the Leader made the following announcements:
a) His intention to set up a Kent International Airport Cabinet Advisory Groupfor the purposes of:
i. considering and assessing the environmental impacts arising from the Kent International Airport in terms of noise, air quality and traffic management and the impact on protected habitats and how any adverse impacts could be mitigated;
ii. considering and recommending to Cabinet how the Council should respond to any current or future airport operators’ night-time flying proposals;
iii. keeping under review the Section 106 Agreement regulating Kent International Airport and recommending to Cabinet any amendments to the Agreement considered necessary or desirable as a result of the future development and expansion of the airport.
The Leader thanked Councillor Fenner for her work in relation to this and said that he would shortly be contacting the Leader of the Opposition for nominations.
b) Portfolio changes,as follows:
i. Enforcement Services, environment and parking would move to the Operational Services portfolio;
ii. Property Services would move to the Finance portfolio;
iii. Environmental Health, Licensing and Land Charges would move the Community Services portfolio.
The Leader concluded his report by sending his best wishes to Councillor Gibson who was currently on holiday.
As Leader of the Conservative Group, Councillor Bayford replied: that the housing intervention plan was to be welcomed; that he understood that, although it was proposed to reduce hours of opening, no closures of children’s centres were proposed; that all those who had helped with the summer events, particularly volunteers, should be congratulated; that he believed that a parkway station would be beneficial for the area; and that he welcomed the creation of the Airport Cabinet Advisory Group.
Councillor Bayford suggested that the Leader could have made reference to: the introduction of Saudi Airlines Cargo flights to Manston, and the resultant creation of jobs; Turner Contemporary having received its millionth visitor; what had happened to the historic rides in Dreamland; and the new hotel proposed for the Rendezvous site. He asked for clarification on the Portfolio change relating to Property Services.
In response, the Leader of the Council stated that the campaign for children’s centres was proving successful and that Property Services included asset management.
The Leader of the Independent Group, Councillor King, stated that it was difficult to respond to the Leader’s report as he had not received notification of the topics to be covered until late that evening.
The Leader of the Council apologised for the lateness of the notice.
The Leader of the Thanet Independent Group, Councillor Cohen welcomed the liaison between Thanet and Dover Councils, particularly in relation to the promotion of small businesses; the news that a dedicated Airport Cabinet Advisory Group would be formed; and that so many successful summer events had taken place.
The Leader of the Council thanked Councillor Cohen for his comments.
As Leader of the UKIP Group, Councillor Wiltshire, who welcomed the upturn in Thanet, pointed out that the Government had donated £30m to create businesses in Thanet. She also said that she welcomed the Saudi airline business at Manston.
The Leader of the Council responded by stating that he acknowledged Government funding and that whilst he did not oppose Manston Airport, he did not support it at any environmental cost.
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