Agenda item

Review of Overview & Scrutiny Panel Work Programme 2013/14

All Chairmen of Task & Finish Groups/Working Parties to present progress update report on their Sub-Group review activities.


Responding to a query from Members, Mr Patterson said that he would produce a report summarising the external legal advice received by Council regarding the Pleasurama Site Development Agreement. Members with an established need to know would be able to read the full text of the advice on appointment, but will not be allowed to take notes as this is still confidential advice.


Members noted the report.


Councillor Watkins proposed, Councillor Gideon seconded and Members agreed to add the following to the TDC Artefacts Management Review TFG terms of reference:


1.  To review possibility for improving linkages between signage in Margate (Old Margate Town) and the Margate Museum.


The Panel agreed that Councillor Matterface as the new Member to the Overview & Scrutiny Panel replaces Councillor Gibson on all the Panel sub-group activities.

Supporting documents: