Agenda item

New Open Spaces grass cutting regime for pollinators


Members considered the report presented by Councillor Albon, during which the following points were made:


·  Pollinator decline is a serious issue across Europe, which threatens our food supply.

·  The most significant cause is the loss and degradation of habitats.

·  Advice has been sought from The Bumblebee Trust and Plantlife UK on what TDC can do to address this problem. They suggested two changes:


1.  Reduced cutting on selected areas of large open spaces, such as those along the coast, to create native wildflower meadows. As we have a geology of chalk, the Bumblebee Trust advises that a simple reduction in mowing (no mowing between April and September) will reveal wonderful native chalk grasslands, flowers and wild areas for pollinators to feed and live.

2.  No Mow May (no cutting during the month of May) in our parks (apart from football pitches) to increase the number of smaller flowers for pollinators in our parks.


·  Walkways will be cut to show that the areas are still being managed.

·  Allocated areas will also be in close proximity to cut grass areas, so not to impact social use of the space.

·  Signage will be installed.

·  Feedback will be monitored closely.


Councillor Garner spoke under Council Procedure Rule 20.1.


There was no further discussion on this item from Members.


Councillor Albon proposed, Councillor Everitt seconded and Members agreed the following:


1. To approve the proposed change in cutting regimes, with monitoring of public perception and feedback.


2. To delegate authority to the Director of Operations, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Operational Services, to approve minor amendments to the policy.

Supporting documents: