Agenda item
Q3 and Q4 2022/23 Tenant and Leaseholder Performance Report
- Meeting of Overview & Scrutiny Panel, Tuesday, 30th May, 2023 7.00 pm (Item 453.)
- View the background to item 453.
Sally O’Sullivan introduced the report and made the following comments:
- Most of the work streams were working fine. However performance regarding domestic electrical safety certificates was struggling at 90% completion;
- MEARS had been contracted to help improve performance and there was steady improvement being rerecorded, which had seen a performance of 91% in Q3 and increasing to 94% in Q4;
- These actions were being monitored weekly in order to quickly detect any decline in performance;
- Capital spend was also struggling at 56%;
- Income collection was performing well.
Members asked questions and made comments as follows:
- The Panel recognised the hard work being put in by the Housing team as improvements across the board had been outstanding;
- One Member thanked the team for the glossary which was in the report as it made referencing much easier;
- Another Member asked whether there was any evidence that any of the council tenants were struggling with the current economic climate;
- There was no gas work still outstanding.
Ms O’Sullivan responded as follows:
- There has been an increase in tenants who are struggling financially, we know this because there has been an increase in referrals to the Finance Wellbeing team for assistance;
- The Household Support Fund had been very useful in assisting tenants who were struggling financially;
- With regards to the gas stats; the team was monitoring performance weekly to ensure that contractors were reporting correctly.
Members noted the report.
Supporting documents:
- Q3&Q4 KPI OSP cover report May23 - Google Docs, item 453. PDF 79 KB
- Annex 1 - Q3 Compliance report - Google Docs, item 453. PDF 89 KB
- Annex 2 - 2022 -23 Compliance Metrics, item 453. PDF 647 KB
- Annex 3 - 2022 -23 Compliance Metrics, item 453. PDF 70 KB
- Annex 4 - V2 Q3 2022_23 KPI sheet - Google Docs, item 453. PDF 255 KB
- Annex 5 Q3 2022_23 KPI report - Google Docs, item 453. PDF 406 KB
- Annex 6 Q4 Compliance report - Google Docs, item 453. PDF 82 KB
- Annex 7 - 2022 -23 Compliance Metrics, item 453. PDF 70 KB
- Annex 8 - 2022 -23 Compliance Metrics, item 453. PDF 647 KB
- Annex 9 Q4 2022_23 KPI Cabinet Version - Google Docs, item 453. PDF 493 KB
- Annex 10 - V2 Q4 2022_23 KPI sheet - Google Docs, item 453. PDF 255 KB