Agenda item

Budget 2024/25 and Fees and Charges


It was noted that in accordance with council procedure rule 17.6, a recorded vote would  be taken on the motion or any amendments and substantive motions. 


It was proposed by Councillor Yates and seconded by Councillor Everitt that: 

1. That the 2024/25 General Fund revenue budget, as amended from the original draft,  be approved; 

2. That the 2024-28 General Fund capital programme, as amended, be approved;  3. That the 2024/25 schedule of Fees and Charges be approved. 


Councillor Rattigan proposed and Councillor Pugh seconded the following amendment: 


“That residential parking permits increases are frozen for this financial year which allows  time for the review to be completed.” 


The Monitoring Officer conducted a recorded vote on the motion as follows: 

48 Councillors voted in favour of the amendment. 


Councillors Albon, Ara, Austin, Bayford, Boyd, Braidwood, J. Bright, K. Bright, Britcher,  Crittenden, Currie, D’Abbro, Davis, Dawson, Dennis, Donaldson, Duckworth, Edwards,  Everitt, Farooki, Fellows, Garner, Green, Keen, Kup, Makinson, Matterface, Pat Moore,  Paul Moore, Munns, Nixey, Ovenden, Owen-Hughes, Packman, Pope, Pugh, Rattigan,  Rogers, Rusiecki, H. Scobie, W. Scobie, Scott, Smith, Towning, Whitehead, Worrow,  Wright and Yates. 


No Members voted against the amendment. 


No Members abstained against the amendment. 


The amendment was AGREED. 


Councillor Worrow proposed and Councillor Braidwood seconded the following  amendment: 


"In view of the continuing cost of living crisis, and other financial pressures affecting  household budgets, this amendment calls for Council Tax charges to be frozen at last  year's levels.


It is recognised that this caring move would not be without cost, so this amendment  proposes that the increase monies be drawn from the council reserves." 



The Monitoring Officer conducted a recorded vote on the motion as follows: 


3 Councillors voted in favour of the amendment. 


Councillors Braidwood, Dennis and Worrow. 


13 Councillors voted to abstain from the motion. 


Councillors Bayford, Davis, Dawson, Fellows, Kup, Paul Moore, Pugh, Rattigan, Rogers,  Rusiecki, Scott, Towning and Wright. 


32 Councillors voted against the amendment. 


Councillors Albon, Ara, Austin, Boyd, J. Bright, K. Bright, Britcher, Crittenden, Currie,  D’Abbro, Donaldson, Duckworth, Edwards, Everitt, Farooki, Garner, Green, Keen,  Makinson, Matterface, Pat Moore, Munns, Nixey, Ovenden, Owne-Hughes, Packman,  Pope, H. Scobie, W. Scobie, Smith, Whitehead and Yates. 


The amendment was LOST. 


The substantive motion was then put to the vote: 



The Monitoring Officer conducted a recorded vote on the motion as follows: 

45 Councillors voted in favour of the substantive motion. 


Councillors Councillors Albon, Ara, Austin, Bayford, Boyd, J. Bright, K. Bright, Britcher,  Crittenden, Currie, D’Abbro, Davis, Dawson, Donaldson, Duckworth, Edwards, Everitt,  Farooki, Fellows, Garner, Green, Keen, Kup, Makinson, Matterface, Pat Moore, Paul  Moore, Munns, Nixey, Ovenden, Owen-Hughes, Packman, Pope, Pugh, Rattigan,  Rogers, Rusiecki, H. Scobie, W. Scobie, Scott, Smith, Towning, Whitehead, Wright and  Yates. 


3 Councillors voted against the substantive motion.


Councillors Braidwood, Dennis and Worrow. 


No Councillors voted to abstain.  


The Motion was AGREED.


Supporting documents: