Agenda item
D06 F/TH/23/0236 - Crumps Farm, Shuart Lane South, Birchington
PROPOSAL: Erection of 2No 4 bed two storey detached dwellings together with change of use of 3No barns to 1No 5 bed and 1No 4 bed two storey semi-detached dwellings and 4No 3 bed two storey semi-detached dwellings and change of use of 2No 3 bed dwellings to 1No 3 bed dwellings with associated landscaping following demolition of menage and associated stables/storage.
Ms Sanlon spoke in favour of the application.
Councillor Dave Divers spoke on the behalf of St Nicholas-at-Wade with Sarre Parish Council regarding the application.
It was proposed by the Chair and seconded by the Vice-Chair:
THAT the officer’s recommendation be adopted, namely:
That the application be deferred and delegated to officers for approval subject to the receipt of a legal agreement securing the contribution towards altering the speed limit in the village and safeguarding conditions, as well as the following conditions:
1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.
In accordance with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Purchase Act 2004).
2. The proposed development shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted application as amended by the revised drawings numbered 30216B_200, 30216B_201, 30216B_202, 30216B_203, 30216B_204, 30216B_205, 30216B_225 Rev A, 30216B_230 Rev B, 30216B_231 Rev B, 30216B_235 Rev B, 30216B_236 Rev A, 30216B_240 Rev A, 30216B_310 Rev A, 30216B_315 Rev A, 30216B_320 Rev A, 30216B_325 Rev A, 30216B_330 Rev B 30216B_335 Rev A, 30216B_415 Rev A, 30216B_420 Rev A, 30216B_425 Rev A, 30216B_430 Rev A, 30216B_435, received 14 February 2023, 30216B_105, 30216B_215 Rev B, 30216B_220 Rev B, received 03 March 2023, 30216B_210 Rev C, 30216B_410 Rev B received 18 April 2023, 05, 30216B_110 Rev G received 26 June 2023, 30216B_112 Rev G, 30216B_115 Rev D, 2203230-001 Rev B, 2203230-003 Rev A received 14 August 2023.
To secure the proper development of the area.
3. Prior to the installation of any external lighting a "lighting design strategy for biodiversity" for the site boundaries has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The lighting strategy shall
a) Identify those areas/features on site that are particularly sensitive for badgers and bats and that are likely to cause disturbance in or around their breeding sites and resting places or along important routes used to access key areas of their territory;
b) Show how and where external lighting will be installed so that it can be clearly demonstrated that areas to be lit will not disturb or prevent the above species using their territory.
c) Details of the types of lighting to be used including their fittings, illumination levels and spread of light All external lighting shall be installed in accordance with the specifications and locations set out in the strategy and these shall be maintained thereafter in accordance with the strategy.
In order to limit the impact upon protected species that may be present, in accordance with Policy SP30 of the Thanet Local Plan and the advice as contained within the NPPF.
4. Prior to the first occupation of the development hereby approved, full details of both hard and soft landscape works, to include:
· species, size and location of new trees, shrubs, hedges and grassed areas to be planted,
· the treatment proposed for all hard surfaced areas beyond the limits of the highway,
· walls, fences, other means of enclosure proposed,
· ecological enhancements to be provided within the site shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority.
In the interests of the visual amenities of the area and to make a positive contribution to biodiversity, in accordance with Policies QD02 and SP30 of the Thanet Local Plan, and the advice as contained within the NPPF.
5. The development hereby permitted shall be completed in accordance with the submitted Bat Survey and Mitigation Strategy, KB Ecology, November 2022, received 14 February 2023.
In order to limit the impact upon protected species that may be present, in accordance with Policy SP30 of the Thanet Local Plan and the advice as contained within the NPPF.
6. A landscape management plan (including long term design objectives), management responsibilities and maintenance schedules for all landscape areas, other than small, privately owned, domestic gardens, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the occupation of the development or any phase of the development, whichever is the sooner, for its approved use. The amenity areas shall be managed in accordance with the approved landscape management plan in perpetuity.
In the interests of the visual amenities of the area and to adequately integrate the development into the environment in accordance with Policies QD02 and GI04 of the Thanet Local Plan.
7. Prior to the commencement of any development on site details to include the following shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority and should be carried out in accordance with the approved details.
a) Routing of construction and delivery vehicles to / from site
b) Parking and turning areas for construction and delivery vehicles and site personnel
c) Timing of deliveries
d) Provision of wheel washing facilities
e) Temporary traffic management / signage
f) Measures to control noise affecting nearby residents
g) Dust control measures
h) Access arrangements
In the interests of highway safety and neighbouring amenity, in accordance with Policy QD03 of the Thanet Local Plan and the advice contained within the NPPF.
8. No development shall commence until a site characterisation and remediation scheme has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the remediation scheme has been implemented in accordance with the approved details. The site characterisation, remediation scheme and implementation of the approved remediation scheme shall be carried out in accordance with the following criteria (a) Site Characterisation An investigation and risk assessment, in addition to any assessment provided with the planning application, shall be completed in accordance with a scheme to assess the nature and extent of any contamination on the site, whether or not it originates on the site. The contents of the scheme are subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority. The investigation and risk assessment shall be undertaken by competent persons and a written report of the findings shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, and shall include o A survey of the extent, scale and nature of contamination
· An assessment of the potential risks to
· Human health
· Property
· Adjoining land
· Groundwaters and surface waters
· Ecological system
· An appraisal of remedial options and a recommendation of the preferred options
The site characterisation report shall be conducted in accordance with British Standards and current DEFRA and Environment Agency best practice.(b) Submission of remediation scheme A detailed remediation scheme to bring the site to a condition suitable for the intended use by removing unacceptable risks to human health, buildings and other property and the natural and historical environment must be prepared, and shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall include all works to be undertaken, proposed remediation objectives and remediation criteria, a timetable of works and site management procedures. The scheme shall ensure that the site cannot be considered as contaminated land under Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 in relation to the intended use of the land after remediation.(c) Implementation of Approved Remediation Scheme The approved remediation scheme shall be carried out in accordance with its terms prior to the commencement of the development other than that required to
carry out remediation. The Local Planning Authority shall be given two weeks written notification of commencement of the remediation scheme works. Following completion of measures identified in the approved remediation scheme, a verification report that demonstrates the effectiveness of the remediation carried out shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
To ensure that the proposed site investigation, remediation and development will not cause harm to human health or pollution of the environment, in accordance with Policy SE03 of the Thanet Local Plan and the advice contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.
9. If, during development, significant contamination is suspected or found to be present at the site, then works shall cease, and this contamination shall be fully assessed and an appropriate remediation scheme agreed with the Local Planning Authority. The approved works shall be implemented within a timetable agreed by the Local Planning Authority and shall be of such a nature as to render harmless the identified contamination given the proposed end use of the site and surrounding environment, including controlled waters. Prior to first occupation/use and following completion of approved measures, a verification report shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval.
To ensure that the proposed development will not cause harm to human health or pollution of the environment, in accordance with Policy SE03 of the Thanet Local Plan and the advice contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.
10.Prior to the commencement of development hereby approved an arboricultural method statement shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority and should be carried out in accordance with the approved details.
To protect existing trees and to adequately integrate the development into the environment, in accordance with Thanet Local Plan Policy QD02.
11.All hard and soft landscape works, including ecological enhancement features, shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. The works shall be carried out prior to the first occupation/use of any part of the development, or in accordance with a programme of works to be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. Following completion of the landscape and enhancement works, photographic evidence of implementation shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in order to verify the works have been completed in accordance with the approved plans, and to enable the full discharge of this condition. Any trees or plants which within a period of 5 years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased, shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of a similar size and species as those originally planted, unless written approval to any variation is provided by the Local Planning Authority. All ecological enhancement features shall thereafter be maintained.
In the interests of the visual amenities of the area, biodiversity enhancement, and to adequately integrate the development into the environment in accordance with Policies QD02, SP30 and GI04 of the Thanet Local Plan.
12.No development shall take place until a detailed sustainable surface water drainage scheme for the site has been submitted to (and approved in writing by) the local planning authority. The detailed drainage scheme shall demonstrate that the surface water generated by this development (for all rainfall durations and intensities up to and including the climate change adjusted critical 100 year storm) can be accommodated and disposed of within the curtilage of the site without increase to flood risk on or off-site. The drainage scheme shall also demonstrate that silt and pollutants resulting from the site use and construction can be adequately managed to ensure there is no pollution risk to receiving waters.
To ensure the development is served by satisfactory arrangements for the disposal of surface water and to ensure that the development does not exacerbate the risk of on/off site flooding, in accordance with Policy CC02 of the Thanet Local Plan and advice contained within the NPPF.
13.No building on any phase (or within an agreed implementation schedule) of the development hereby permitted shall be occupied until a Verification Report for that phase, pertaining to the surface water drainage system and prepared by a suitably competent person, has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The Report shall demonstrate the suitable modelled operation of the drainage system where the system constructed is different to that approved. The Report shall contain information and evidence (including photographs) of details and locations of inlets, outlets and control structures; landscape plans; full as built drawings; information pertinent to the installation of those items identified on the critical drainage assets drawing; and, the submission of an operation and maintenance manual for the sustainable drainage scheme as constructed.
To ensure the development is served by satisfactory arrangements for the disposal of surface water and to ensure that the development does not exacerbate the risk of on/off site flooding, in accordance with Policy CC02 of the Thanet Local Plan and advice contained within the NPPF.
14.No development shall take place until the applicant, or their agents or successors in title, has secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological work in accordance with a written specification and timetable which has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.
To ensure that features of archaeological interest are properly examined and recorded in accordance with Policy HE01 of the Thanet Local Plan and the advice contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.
15.Prior the construction of the external surfaces of the development hereby approved samples of the materials to be used shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved samples unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
To safeguard the special character and appearance of the area as a Conservation Area in accordance with Policy HE02 of the Thanet Local Plan and the advice as contained within the NPPF.
16.Prior to the installation of any external windows and doors, joinery details at a scale of 1:5 of the windows and doors to include sections through glazing bars, frames and mouldingsIN shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such details as are approved shall be carried out concurrently with the development and fully implemented prior to the first occupation of any part of the approved development.
To secure a satisfactory external treatment and to safeguard the special character and appearance of the designated heritage asset in accordance with and advice contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.
17.The roof lights hereby approved shall be 'conservation style' roof lights, set flush with the roof plane.
To safeguard the special character and appearance of the area as a Conservation Area in accordance with Policy HE02 of the Thanet Local Plan, and advice as contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.
18.Prior to the installation of all external meter boxes/cupboards details of materials and design of the meter cupboards shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and installed accordingly.
To safeguard the special character and appearance of the area as a Conservation Area in accordance with Policy HE02 of the Thanet Local Plan and the advice as contained within the NPPF.
19.No further alterations, extensions, alterations/additions to the roof, porches, outbuildings, hard surfacing, chimney/flues or microwave antenna shall be carried out to the dwellings hereby approved whether approved by Schedule 2, Part 1, Classes A, B, C, D, E, F, G or H of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order), shall be carried out without the prior permission in writing of the Local Planning Authority.
To safeguard the significance of the adjacent Listed Buildings, Conservation area and the visual amenities of the area in accordance with Policies HE02, HE03 and QD02 of the Thanet Local Plan and the advice contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.
20.Prior to the first use of the site hereby permitted, the vehicular access and associated vehicle crossing point onto the highway, as shown on the approved plan numbered 30216B_110 Rev G and 2203230-001 Rev B should be completed and made operational.
In the interests of highway safety, in accordance with the advice contained within the NPPF.
21.The development hereby permitted shall incorporate measures to prevent the discharge of surface water onto the highway.
In the interests of highway safety, in accordance with the advice contained within the NPPF.
22.Prior to the first occupation of the development hereby approved, details of the design of the electric vehicle charging points, to be located as shown on the approved plan numbered 30216B_110 Rev Ghall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority, and thereafter implemented and maintained as approved.
To protect air quality, in accordance with Policy SP14 of the Thanet Local Plan and the advice as contained within the NPPF.
23.Prior to the first occupation of the development, the area shown on approved plan 30216B_110 Rev G for the parking and manoeuvring of vehicles shall be operational. The area approved shall thereafter be maintained for that purpose.
To provide satisfactory off street parking for vehicles in accordance with Policy TP06 of the Thanet Local Plan and the advice contained within the NPPF.
24.Prior to the first occupation of the development, the secure cycle parking facilities, as shown on approved drawing no. 30216B_110 Rev G shall be provided and thereafter maintained.
To promote cycling as an alternative form of transport, in accordance with Policy TP03 and SP43 of the Thanet Local Plan.
25.Prior to the first occupation of the development, the refuse storage and collections points, as shown on approved drawing no. 30216B_110 Rev G shall be provided and thereafter maintained.
In the interests of visual amenity in accordance with Policy QD02 of the Thanet Local Plan.
26.The development hereby permitted shall be constructed to a high standard of energy efficiency to the equivalent of Level 4 of the Code for Sustainable Homes, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
All new buildings and conversions of existing buildings must be designed to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and have resilience to function in a changing climate, in accordance with Policy QD01 of the Thanet Local Plan.
27.The development hereby permitted shall be constructed in order to meet the required technical standard for water efficiency of 110litres/person/day, thereby Part G2 Part 36 (2b) of Schedule 1 Regulation 36 to the Building Regulations 2010, as amended, applies.
Thanet is within a water stress area as identified by the Environment Agency, and therefore new developments will be expected to meet the water efficiency optional requirement of 110litre /person/day, in accordance with Policy QD04 of the Thanet Local Plan.
28.Prior to the first occupation of the development hereby permitted, the footpath along the boundary of the site with Shuart Lane, as shown on the approved plan numbered 30216B_110 Rev G should be completed and made operational.
In the interests of highway safety, in accordance with the advice contained within the NPPF.
29.Prior to the first occupation of the development hereby approved visibility splays shown on the submitted plans 2203230-001 Rev B shall be provided with no obstructions over 1.05m above carriageway level within the splays, which shall thereafter be maintained.
In the interest of highway safety in accordance with the advice contained within the NPPF.
30.Prior to the first occupation of the dwelling the following works between the dwelling and the adopted highway shall be complete
a) Footways and/or footpaths, with the exception of the wearing course;
b) Carriageways, with the exception of the wearing course but including a turning facility, highway drainage, visibility splays, street lighting, street nameplates and highway structures (if any).
In the interests of highway safety, and the living conditions of future occupants, in accordance with Policy QD03 of the Thanet Local Plan, and advice as contained within the NPPF.
Upon being put to the vote, the motion was declared CARRIED.
Supporting documents: