Agenda item
Public Toilets Refurbishment and Renewal Project
- Meeting of Cabinet, Thursday, 14th December, 2023 7.00 pm (Item 69.)
- View the background to item 69.
Members discussed proposals for the refurbishment of public toilets that were detailed in the Cabinet report. This report proposes a schedule of investment in public toilets around the district. Budgets totalling £1.25 million with a mixture of revenue and capital funding have been identified. A further sum of £250k is anticipated although not yet approved via an external grant from Southern Water. The report proposes maintenance works at 7 sites. This will focus on addressing existing defects and is not a full refurbishment of the toilets. But it will return them to a much higher standard of repair. Examples of the work content can be found at Annex 1 (to the report) with the estimated cost.
The total spend on revenue repair work is £279k and subject to approval at Cabinet. It was proposed to undertake these works in the new year so that they were complete before the start of the 2024 season. The report also proposed capital works at three sites, Margate Clock Tower, Stone Bay and Botany Bay. These capital works would provide significantly improved and accessible facilities at all three sites. There were currently 27 public toilets in Thanet and this report proposes works in 10 of those 27 locations. This investment was proposed to be the start of an anticipated wider and longer term programme of public toilet improvements subject to further funding being identified.
The report also proposes that a further report be taken to Cabinet before the end of October 2024 to provide an update on toilet refurbishment and improvement works. The report would update on the capital works programme and will propose next steps to address refurbishment or improvements at the public toilets not included in this initial phase. £400k of revenue funding is coming from earmarked reserves. In option 1 £279k would be allocated for revenue repairs and £121k revenue contribution to capital. However, if the Council was required to undertake option 2 then the whole £400k would be allocated to revenue repairs.
The Cabinet recommended to Council that a one-off supplementary General Fund revenue budget of £279k be approved for the repairs to existing facilities; to be funded from the underspend identified at the end of 2022/23 and allocated to earmarked reserves for investment in toilet facilities. Of the £749k budget for the Public Toilets refurbishment and renewal project within the 2023/24 Capital Programme the report suggested that £450k be from borrowing and a £121k contribution from earmarked reserves. Financing of the remaining £179k was going to be identified at a later date.
£400k of funding would be sourced from the Margate Town Deal funding, which was an external grant. Cabinet noted that £400k of approved capital budget was allocated for toilet facilities within the Margate Town Deal scheme in the 2023/24 Capital Programme. It was estimated that Southern Water would allocate funding to the value of £250k.
The following embers spoke under Council Procedure Rule 20.1:
Councillor Pugh;
Councillor Austin.
Councillor Albon proposed, Councillor Duckworth seconded and Cabinet agreed the following:
1. To approve the schedule of works this report suggests in 3.1/3.2 (either option 1 or option 2, dependent on the outcome of discussions with Southern Water) which will be undertaken using:
i. £400k of funding from earmarked reserves. Under option 1 £279k will be allocated for revenue repairs and £121k revenue contribution to capital. Under option 2 the whole £400k will be allocated to revenue repairs;
ii. £450k of capital funding (via borrowing);
iii. £400k from the Margate Town Deal funding (external grant);
2. To endorse the proposed financing of the existing £749k budget for the Public Toilets refurbishment and renewal project within the 2023/24 Capital Programme, to be a mix of £450k of borrowing, a £121k contribution from earmarked reserves, with financing of the remaining £179k to be identified at a later date; with the actual financing of the capital programme being determined by the s151 officer as per officer delegations;
3. To approve a budget virement (adjustment) to be made if the discussions with Southern Water are not successful, as per option 2, with a virement of £121k from the budget for the revenue contribution to capital to be transferred to the revenue budget for repairs to existing facilities;
4. To note that £400k of approved capital budget is allocated for toilet facilities within the Margate Town Deal scheme in the 2023/24 Capital Programme;
5. That a further report be taken to Cabinet before the end of October 2024 which provides an update on toilet refurbishment and improvement works, including the outcome of the Southern Water financial contribution. The report shall also propose next steps to address refurbishment or improvements at the public toilets not included in this initial phase;
6. That the Western Undercliff public toilets be added to the list of toilets for consideration when further funding becomes available.
Supporting documents:
- Cabinet Report 14.12.23 - Public Toilet Refurbishment & Renewal Project.docx - Google Docs, item 69. PDF 94 KB
- Annex 1 Schedule of Works Revenue GoogleDocs, item 69. PDF 64 KB
- Annex 2 Summary of Proposals GoogleDocs, item 69. PDF 51 KB