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Thanet CCG Health and Wellbeing Board
Governance Arrangements
The Kent Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) leads and advises on work to improve the health and wellbeing of the people of Kent through joined up commissioning across the NHS, social care, public health and other services (that the HWB agrees are directly related to health and wellbeing) in order to:
· secure better health and wellbeing outcomes in Kent
· reduce health inequalities and
· ensure better quality of care for all patients and care users.
The HWB has a primary responsibility to make sure that health care services paid for by public monies are provided equitably, are effective and demonstrate value for money. It is supported in this work by a series of sub committees referred to as CCG level Health and Wellbeing Boards.
Role of the CCG level Health and Wellbeing Board
The CCG level Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) will lead and advise on the development of the CCG level Integrated Commissioning Strategy and Plan; ensure effective local engagement and monitor local outcomes. It will focus on improving the health and wellbeing of the people living in their CCG area through joined up commissioning across the NHS, social care, district councils, public health and other services (that the HWB agrees are directly related to health and wellbeing,) in order to secure better health and wellbeing outcomes in their area and better quality of care for all patients and care users.
Terms of Reference:
The CCG level HWB will:
1. Be appointed and act as a sub committee of the Kent Health and Wellbeing Board (a committee of Kent County Council);
2. Develop and deliver a CCG level Integrated Commissioning Strategy and Plan, based on the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and partners Commissioning Plans. This will be approved by the Kent Health and Wellbeing Board;
3. Consider the totality of the resources in the CCG area for health and wellbeing and consider how and where investment in health improvement and prevention services could (overall) improve the health and wellbeing of local residents;
4. Work with existing partnership arrangements, e.g. children’s commissioning, safeguarding housing, and community safety, to ensure that the most appropriate mechanism is used to deliver service improvement in health, care and health inequalities;
5. Endorse and secure joint arrangements where agreed and appropriate; including the use of pooled budgets for joint commissioning (s75), the development of appropriate partnership agreements for service integration, and the associated financial protocols and monitoring arrangements, making full use of the powers identified in all relevant NHS and local government legislation;
6. Undertake monitoring of local outcomes relating to the delivery of the joint commissioning plan;
7. Ensure effective local engagement on health and care issues, using existing engagement mechanisms (such as Neighbourhood Forums, CCG Engagement Groups, Residents Groups etc) where necessary and linking in to any county level engagement work, with clear lines of communication;
8. Provide advice (as and when requested) to the Kent Health and Wellbeing Board on local service reconfigurations that may be subject to referral to the Kent County Council Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee or the Secretary of State on resolution by KCC HOSC;
9. Be the focal point for health and wellbeing issues and joint working in the CCG area to ensure facilities and accessibility, in order to enhance service integration;
10.Report to the Kent Health and Wellbeing Board on an annual basis on its activity and progress against the milestones set out in the Integrated Commissioning Strategy and any established work plan;
11.Provide recommendations to Kent Health and Wellbeing Board and other commissioning partners, how and where investment, resources and improvements can be made within the CCG area.
12.Identify how to make the best use of the flexibilities at the Board’s disposal, such as devolved/pooled budgets.
The following is a suggested minimum membership level; additional members of the Board can be appointed at the discretion of the CCG level HWB. The Chairman will be elected by the CCG level HWB.
1. Local Government:
Two District Council Members to be appointed by the
One Kent County Council Member (Cabinet Member or
his/her nominee);
Director of Commissioning for Kent County Council
Families and Social Care;
District Council Senior Officer
· Public Health Consultant.
2. Clinical Commissioning Group:
· At least one GP
· Senior CCG Officer e.g. Accountable Officer or Chief Operating Officer
3. HealthWatch or other public engagement forum representative;
4. Other local representatives as identified by the CCG level HWB;
The administering Local Authority is Thanet District Council
The Terms of
Reference and Governance arrangements to be reviewed
Procedure Rules
1. Conduct. Members of the HWB are expected to subscribe to and comply with the Kent County Council Code of Conduct. Non-elected representatives on the HWB (e.g. GPs and officers) will be co-opted members and, as such, covered by the Kent Code of Conduct for Members for any business they conduct as a member of the HWB.
2. Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. Section 31(4) of the Localism Act 2011 (disclosable pecuniary interests in matters considered at meetings or by a single member) applies to the HWB and any sub committee of it. A register of disclosable pecuniary interests is held by the Clerk to the HWB, but HWB members do not have to leave the meeting once a disclosable pecuniary interest is declared, however they will not have a vote on the matter.
3. Frequency of Meetings. The HWB meets at least bi monthly initially, moving to quarterly meetings unless otherwise determined. The date, time and venue of meetings are fixed in advance by the HWB in order to coincide with the key decision-points and the Forthcoming Decision List.
4. Meeting Administration.
· HWB meetings are advertised and held in public and administered by the nominated District/Borough/City Council.
· The HWB may consider matters submitted to it by local partners.
· The administering Council gives at least five clear working days’ notice in writing to each member of the Board of every ordinary meeting of the HWB, to include any agenda of the business to be transacted at the meeting.
· Papers for each HWB meeting are sent out at least five clear working days in advance.
· Late papers may be sent out or tabled only in exceptional circumstances.
· The HWB holds meetings in private session when deemed appropriate in view of the nature of business to be discussed, in accordance with the Local Government Act 1972 (schedule 12A para 3).
· The HWB meetings will be web cast where the facilities are in place
· The Chairman’s decision on all procedural matters is final.
5. Meeting Administration of Sub Committees. HWB sub-committees are administered by a principal local authority, in the case of the Clinical Commissioning Group level HWBs, by a District Council in that area. They will be subject to the provisions stated in these Procedure Rules.
6. Special Meetings. The Chairman may convene special meetings of the HWB at short notice to consider matters of urgency. The notice convening such meetings shall state the particular business to be transacted and no other business will be transacted at such meeting.
The Chairman is required to convene a special meeting of the HWB if they are in receipt of a written requisition to do so signed by no less than three members of the HWB. Such requisition shall specify the business to be transacted and no other business shall be transacted at such a meeting. The meeting must be held within five clear working days of the Chairman’s receipt of the requisition. In this instance it may not be possible for written reports to be provided in advance.
7. Minutes. Minutes of all of HWB meetings are prepared recording:
· the names of all members of the HWB present at a meeting and of those in attendance
· apologies
· details of all proceedings, decisions and resolutions of the meeting
· Draft minutes approved by the Chairman before being sent out.
Minutes are printed and circulated to each member of the HWB before the next meeting of the HWB, when they are submitted for approval by the HWB and are signed by the Chairman.
8. Agenda. The agenda for each meeting normally includes:
· Minutes of the previous meeting for approval and signing
· Reports seeking a decision/recommendation from the HWB
· Any item which a member of the HWB wishes included on the agenda, provided it is relevant to the terms of reference of the HWB and notice has been give to the Clerk at least nine working days before the meeting.
· Declaration of Pecuniary Interests in addition to those already declared
The Chairman may decide that there are special circumstances that justify an item of business, not included in the agenda, being considered as a matter of urgency. He must state these reasons at the meeting and the Clerk shall record them in the minutes.
9. Chairman and Vice Chairman’s Term of Office. The Chairman and Vice Chairman’s term of office terminates on 1 April each year, when they are either reappointed or replaced by another member of the HWB, according to the decision of the HWB, at the first meeting of the HWB succeeding that date.
10.Absence of Members of the HWB and or the Chairman. If a member of the HWB is unable to attend a meeting, then they may provide an appropriate alternate person to attend in their place, subject to them being of sufficient seniority to agree and discharge decisions of the Board within and for their own organisation. The Clerk of the meeting should be notified of any absence and/or substitution at least five working days prior to the meeting. The Chairman presides at HWB meetings if they are present. In their absence the Vice-Chairman presides. If both are absent, the HWB appoints from amongst its Board members an Acting Chairman for the meeting in question.
11.Voting. The HWB should operate on a consensus basis. Where consensus cannot be achieved the subject the matter will be put to a vote. The HWB decides all such matters by a simple majority of the HWB members present, with each organisation having one vote. In the case of an equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote. All votes shall be taken by a show of hands unless decided otherwise by the Chairman.
12.Quorum. A third of members form a quorum for HWB meetings, to be made up of at least one representative from each of the main partners (Kent County Council, Thanet District Council and Thanet CCG). No business requiring a decision shall be transacted at any meeting of the HWB which is inquorate. If it arises during the course of a meeting that a quorum is no longer present, the Chairman either suspends business until a quorum is re-established or declares the meeting at an end.
13.Adjournments. By the decision of a majority of those members of the Board present, meetings of the HWB may be adjourned at any time to be reconvened at any other day, hour and place, as the HWB decides.
14.Order at Meetings. At all meetings of the HWB it is the duty of the Chairman to preserve order and to ensure that all HWB members are treated fairly. They decide all questions of order that may arise.
15.Suspension/disqualification of HWB Members. Anybody with a representative on the HWB will be asked to reconsider the position of their nominee if they fail to attend two or more consecutive meetings without good reason or without the prior consent of the Chairman.
Support officer: James Clapson.