Issue - decisions

To review Constitutional Procedure Rules relating to Motions on Notice, questions and Call-in

23/12/2013 - To review Constitutional Procedure Rule relating to "Putting the Motion to the Meeting"

It was proposed by the Chairman and seconded by the Vice-Chairman:


“THAT the recommendation as set out at paragraph 3.1 of the report be adopted, namely:


‘That Council agrees that CPR 16.3 be amended as follows:


  16.3  Putting the Motion at the Meeting


  The Member whose name appears first on the Notice will move the motion during his or her speech and call for a seconder. If seconded and  the mover of the motion is a member of a political group other than the ruling political group, the Chairman will call upon a member of the ruling political group to reply. If seconded and the mover of the motion is a member of the ruling political group, the Chairman will call upon a member of one of the other political groups to reply. In such circumstances the Chairman will call upon a member of the second largest political group unless, exceptionally and based upon the nature of the motion, the Chairman considers it appropriate to call upon a member of another political group (other than a member of the ruling political group) to reply. The motion shall then stand referred without further discussion to the Cabinet or appropriate Committee for determination or report unless the Council decides to debate the motion in accordance with Rule 19’”.


Upon being put to the vote, this motion was declared LOST.