Issue - decisions

The adoption of a Thanet Council Lottery

28/04/2017 - Establishment of a Good Causes Lottery in Thanet

Cabinet agreed the following:


1.  To adopt the process to establish a Good Causes Lottery in Thanet in accordance with the 9 February Council decision regarding the budget for 2017-18;


2.  That the purpose of the Lottery is to raise funds for local Good Causes which benefit Thanet residents;


3.  That the Director of Corporate Resources & Section 151 Officer be given delegated authority to appoint an External Lottery Manager (ELM) subject to due diligence and appropriate procurement activity;


4.  That all income and expenditure in relation to the lottery be administered within a lottery reserve, administered by the S151 Officer;


5.  That the Director of Corporate Governance & Monitoring Officer be given delegated authority to promote and operate the lottery on behalf of the council and establish personal licence holders as part of the internal governance arrangements.