Issue - decisions

Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities externally funded projects approvals.

14/03/2024 - Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities externally funded projects approvals - Reallocating funding

Cabinet approval to:


1.  Note that moving funding between themes and projects up to a value of £5,000,000 is permissible under the Simplification Pathfinder Project;


2.  Note that the reallocation of the Destination Dreamland project fund has been discussed and agreed within the Simplification Pathfinder Project;


3.  Agree that the £4,000,000 from the aborted Destination Dreamland Project now be reallocated to a scheme for the Margate Winter Gardens;


4.  Agree that the £325,000 from the aborted project on the Coastal Wellbeing intervention be reallocated to the Walpole Bay Pavillion project;


5.  Agree that the £175,000 from the aborted project in the Coastal Wellbeing intervention be reallocated to the Skatepark project.