Individual Cabinet Member Decisions

Individual Cabinet Member Decisions

31/03/2021 - ARGs 2021-22 ref: 5052    Recommendations Approved

New guidelines have been issued by the Government for the next round of Additional Restrictions Grants (ARGs). This report seeks approval for the operation of these ARGs.

Decision Maker: Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Strategy and Transformation

Decision published: 31/03/2021

Effective from: 10/04/2021


  1. All existing businesses that have already proven eligibility for an ARG should be included in the new scheme, subject to supplying the further information requirements of the new scheme (see section 3);
  2. There will be no appeals mechanism for the new ARG scheme (section 4);
  3. Previously-approved businesses will be deemed to be eligible for the new scheme, and the application process for these businesses will be as straightforward as allowed by the BEIS guidance. Other businesses will have to apply for a grant via a new application process (section 5);
  4. The Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance, Administration & Community Wealth Building, agrees the methodology of any residual distribution of old ARG funding, in order to quickly access the new funding (section 6);
  5. The same value of grant is paid to a business whether or not it has previously received an ARG (paragraph 7.3);
  6. The tiered approach be maintained, with the value of grants (which is still to be set, by the Deputy Chief Executive in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance, Administration & Community Wealth Building, depending on funding and anticipated demand) being in proportion to the previous scheme, based on RV (paragraph 7.5);
  7. To adopt the process set out in paragraph 7.8. In doing so, it should be noted that there is a risk of overspending, if the volume of eligible businesses proves to be significantly in excess of that predicted;
  8. To note that if BEIS guidance revises the new scheme in any significant way that requires another member decision, then this will be the subject of another report.

Lead officer: Tim Willis

22/03/2021 - Transfer of funds from the Business Rates Growth Reserve ref: 5051    Recommendations Approved

Approval is required to transfer £120,000 from the Business Rates Growth Reserve to support the delivery of some Regeneration projects across the district. This Decision is required to formalise the reallocation of funds and to give delegated authority to the Director of Regeneration to allocate spend on these projects.

Decision Maker: Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Strategy and Transformation

Decision published: 24/03/2021

Effective from: 01/04/2021


1.  That Cabinet approve a 2021-22 revenue supplementary budget of £120,000 for Regeneration projects in the district to be funded from the Business Rates Growth Reserve; and


2.  That Cabinet delegates authority to the Director of Regeneration to allocate spend on these projects.

Lead officer: Louise Askew