Issue details
Affordable Development programme update
A report was presented to Cabinet giving an update on our approved affordable housing development programme, which has been previously agreed by full council as part of the approved Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme.
The council has previously committed capital funding of
£8.8m, from the Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme,
for the delivery of Phase 4 of its affordable housing development
programme, spanning the 2020-24 financial years. Phase 4 included
14 property acquisitions (already completed) and 22 new build
homes, which are due to start on site in March 2023. The Capital
Programme approved by Council in February 2022 agreed a further
ongoing annual budget of £8.1m from 2024/25 for the
‘New Build Phase 5’ scheme, funded from
This report seeks approval of the adjustment to the timescales of delivery to spend the already allocated budget and an increased number of new build units from 22 to 47, so that the total number of homes provided in phase 4 will increase to 61. A total of 60% of this funding is through borrowing, with the balance of 40% funding from retained right-to-buy receipts.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure or Making one-off Savings anticipated to be £250,000 or more*;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/10/2022
Decision due: 17 Nov 2022 by Cabinet
Lead member: Councillor Jill Bayford, Shadow Cabinet Member for Housing
Lead director: Bob Porter
Contact: Ashley Jackson, Head of Housing and Planning Email:
What the decision will mean: Update on Development programme, funding, timescales and unit numbers
- 18/11/2022 - Affordable Development Programme Update
Agenda items
- 17/11/2022 - Cabinet Affordable Development Programme Update 17/11/2022
- Cabinet report