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Thanet District Council called a Climate Emergency on 11th July 2019. On September 22nd 2022, the first draft of the Thanet District Council Net Zero Strategy was presented to cabinet and the updated TDC pledge was agreed:
To do what is within our powers and resources to:
In order to make these targets possible we will:
The cabinet also approved the draft Net Zero Strategy for public engagement, which ran until Friday 11th November 2022. Members of the public and stakeholders were asked to complete either a short questionnaire comprising three questions or a long survey comprising 8 questions.
32 responses to the short survey and 40 responses to the long survey were received. This feedback is summarised in the report and the full document is attached as annex 1 to the Cabinet report.
As part of the engagement we received a large number of comments and suggestions which are summarised in Table 1 of the full report. The table also includes TDC’s response to the comments, showing how we will take the comments into consideration.
The engagement process has led to a number of recommended additions to the strategy. These were discussed at the Climate Change Cabinet Advisory Group and were considered useful. Members are asked to read the report and consider the recommendations below.
Further information has also been added to the Net Zero Strategy which helps to clarify our route forwards. This includes a paragraph around the use of seaweed to sequester carbon:
“Scientists will assess the carbon storage and sequestration potential of all UK seas, as well as within Marine Protected Areas and it is hoped that the report will be available in summer 2023. We will use this information to inform our carbon sequestration plans”.
The updated strategy is attached as Annex 2 to the Cabinet report. Any additional information is highlighted in yellow within the document for ease of viewing.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 11/01/2023
Decision due: 2 Mar 2023 by Cabinet
Lead member: Councillor Robert W Bayford, Cabinet Member for Environmental Services & Special Projects
Lead director: Chris Blundell
Contact: Dr Hannah Scott, Climate Change Officer Email:
What the decision will mean: Formal Adoption of the Net Zero Strategy after a period of public engagement.