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  • Meeting attendance
  • Meeting attendance

    Tuesday, 14th March, 2023 7.00 pm, Overview & Scrutiny Panel

    Venue:   Council Chamber, Council Offices, Cecil Street, Margate, Kent

    Contact:    Charles Hungwe

    Meeting attendance
    Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
    Councillor Rev. Stuart Piper Chair Present
    Councillor Phil Fellows Vice-Chair Present
    Councillor Tricia Austin Committee Member Present
    Councillor Kerry Boyd Committee Member Present
    Councillor Alan Currie Committee Member Present
    Councillor Keith Coleman-Cooke Committee Member Present
    Councillor Corinna Huxley Committee Member Present
    Councillor Heather Keen Committee Member Present
    Councillor Charlie Leys Committee Member Apologies, sent representative Substituted by Councillor George Rusiecki
    Councillor Pat Moore Committee Member Apologies, sent representative Substituted by Councillor Rob Yates
    Councillor Paul Moore Committee Member Present
    Councillor Lynda Piper Committee Member Present
    Councillor Marc Rattigan Committee Member Apologies, sent representative Substituted by Councillor Cedric Towning
    Councillor George Rusiecki Committee Member Present as substitute
    Councillor Abi Smith Committee Member Present as substitute
    Councillor Michael Tomlinson Committee Member Present
    Councillor Cedric Towning Committee Member Present as substitute
    Councillor Rebecca Wing Committee Member Apologies, sent representative Substituted by Councillor Pauline Farrance
    Councillor Rob Yates Committee Member Present as substitute
    Councillor Ruth Bailey Guest In attendance
    Councillor Jill Bayford Guest In attendance
    Councillor Robert W Bayford Guest In attendance
    Councillor Mike Garner Guest In attendance
    Councillor Aram Rawf Guest In attendance
    Councillor Horace Shrubb Guest In attendance