Decision details

Evaluation of Retention or Disposal Options for 18 Albert Street, Ramsgate, CT11 9HD

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


18 Albert Street is a grade 2 listed building. It was previously occupied as a shared ownership property, with the council owning a share. The previous occupants, who owned the remaining share were responsible, under the terms of the sharing arrangement for the maintenance of the building.


The property is in very poor condition, as detailed in the report, with high estimated costs of refurbishment. 


The property is also poorly laid out, with accommodation over 3 floors, connected by a narrow and winding staircase. The kitchen and bathroom are extremely small and there is now outside amenity space. For these reasons it is not considered suitable for retention as part of the council’s rented housing stock.


There is a specific requirement on the council to ensure that any disposals of vacant dwellings are at a market value. It is therefore recommended that the council test the market by disposing of the property at auction.


Cabinet agreed the following, that:


1. The Council owned property, 18 Albert Street is disposed of through auction;


2. The proceeds of sale are reinvested in the council’s HRA capital programme.


Reasons for the decision:

18 Albert Street is not suitable for the council to retain as an affordable rented dwelling. Apart from the cost of refurbishment, the dwelling is very small, split over 3 levels with steep and narrow stairs and poorly laid out internally. It has no outside amenity space and would not be suitable as a family home. The disposal receipt can be used to support the development of new affordable homes in a more cost effective way.

Alternative options considered:

The first alternative option is to retain the property and refurbish. The refurbishment work include but are not limited to: site clearance, strip out, treatment of damp internal timbers, new ceilings, plaster to all walls, new windows, new central heating system, complete rewire, upgrading plumbing system, new kitchen, new sanitary fixings and a complete redecoration throughout including floor coverings.


The valuer estimated a figure of £52,800 plus VAT (this includes a 10% contingency) which should be allowed to bring the property up to standard. This cost would be in addition to the roofing costs previously mentioned. A budget of approximately £78,000 plus VAT would therefore need to be provided. However, this is considered to be a very low figure based on costs of previously completed similar renovation projects.

Report author: Bob Porter

Publication date: 18/06/2021

Date of decision: 17/06/2021

Decided at meeting: 17/06/2021 - Cabinet

Effective from: 26/06/2021

This decision has been called in by:

  • Councillor Rev. Stuart Piper who writes The OSP Vice Chair received a number of requests to call-in this decision for further discussion. The reason for requesting the call in is to consider whether due process was followed in excluding the building from any of the bids submitted to Government for Ramsgate improvements. It does not appear as though any consideration was given to the possibility of including this building. If that is the case, Members feel they ought to have an explanation as to why it was not considered. If it was considered and not regarded, Members feel there should be a set of minutes or notes to explain the decision."

Accompanying Documents: