Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Cecil Street, Margate, Kent. View directions
Contact: Steven Matthews
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from KCC Councillor Karen Constantine. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest. Members are advised to consider the advice contained within the Declaration of Interest advice attached to this Agenda. If a Member declares an interest, they should complete the Declaration of Interest Form.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting To approve the Minutes of the Joint Transportation Board meeting held on 23 March 2023, copy attached. Minutes: Councillor H. Scobie proposed, Councillor Wright seconded and Members agreed (with the exception of KCC Councillor Shonk who abstained, due to the minutes relating to the meeting taking place nearly a full year before) that the minutes be approved as a correct record of the meeting held on 23 March 2023. |
Highway Works Programme Minutes: The Chair invited Councillors to make comments regarding the report:
· Regarding Appendix B - Drainage, Councillors mentioned the CCTV survey carried out for Dane Court Road, Broadstairs. They asked if a follow up on this be included in a future meeting; · Regarding Appendix E - Developer Funded Works, Councillors discussed Reading Street, Convent Road. It was noted that this item was awaiting submission, but at the same time the area was not owned by TDC or KCC leaving the question of how approval can be achieved. It was requested that further information be provided; · Regarding Appendix F - Bridge Works, Councillors requested an update regarding the bridge at Ramsgate Road, Broadstairs. Regarding Appendix B - Drainage, Councillors wanted to note the works for Hollicondane Road, Ramsgate where works have been deferred three times due to lack of coordination regarding parking; · Councillors expanded on the issues regarding drainage as it was brought up that enforcement was part of the problem when it came to residents parking their vehicles over drains in the streets causing build ups of debris; · Regarding Appendix E - Developer Funded Works, it was brought up that Sunningdale had gone into administration, raising the question of who would pay for the works to be carried out; · KCC Councillors informed the committee that KCC had received ear marked £6.8 million in addition to the £50 million budgeted towards the maintenance of potholes and pavements, starting in March 2024, following through to October 2024, Councillors expressed concern over the lower amount of money allocated to the road maintenance.
Councillors noted the report. |
North Thanet Link Road Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair invited Councillors to make comments regarding the report:
· Councillors generally did not like the idea of the North Thanet Link Road, citing the need to ease congestion as they did not think this project would help towards that issue, but Councillors did recognise the need and benefits of an alternative road within the vicinity.
Councillor Fellows spoke under Council Rule 20.1:
· He expressed disappointment regarding the lack of KCC Highways officers attending the Joint Transport Board meeting as well as the report itself not being provided to the ward Councillors of the area. However, he was pleased to see the plans for a roundabout at the top of Brooks End was going ahead; · He asked about the funding of the North Thanet Link Road scheme, as it was noted that funding was to be provided by the Major Road Network (MRN) and if that fell through, it would then be provided by the housing developers for the area. However the housing scheme for the area has not yet passed the planning permission stage of development. It was asked what would happen if funding was not provided by MRN as well as housing developers as well as asking how on track the project was; · It was also asked about the progress of acquiring the needed land for the project.
Councillors continued discussion on this item:
· Councillors agreed with Councillor Fellows that the approved roundabout for Brooks End was needed; · More was heard regarding the doubts of this scheme, that focused mainly around land acquisition going ahead; · Councillors felt that following public consultation, the need for a cycle-lane would be low to the point of not needing one at all.
KCC Councillor Lewis proposed, KCC Councillor Binks seconded and Councillors agreed:
That James Wraight, Highways officer for Kent County Council be invited to next Joint Transport Board meeting, in order to provide Councillors with further information for the scheme. |
Thanet Loop Improvement Project Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair invited Councillors to make comments regarding the report:
· Councillors spoke against the Thanet Loop Improvement Project, saying there was no need for the project; · Councillors were reminded that this project was to help buses along Margate Road, Ramsgate where parked cars impeded buses from making their way to the bus stops along that route; · Madeira Walk, Eastcliff was brought up as Councillors discussed their dismay for the parking in the area, possibly impeding elderly residents from walking across the road, asking for yellow lines to be applied there to restrict parking; · Councillors brought up other reasons as to why buses may be held up along the route, however the majority of Councillors did not recognise the parking along the routes to be the main issues.
KCC Councillor Lewis proposed, KCC Councillor Binks seconded and Councillors agreed:
That the KCC Councillors organise a meeting with the Cabinet Member for Highways in order to get more information on the project to come to a more definitive conclusion. |
Parking & Waiting Review - Thanet Various Additional documents: Minutes: Penny Button, Head of Neighbourhoods introduced this item and made the following points:
· There were 12 proposals for parking and waiting restrictions in Thanet and support was requested from the Joint Transport Board before the report went to the public consultation stage, before coming back to the Joint Transport Board at a later date; · It was detailed the plans for double yellow lines to be installed in: o Lyndhurst Road, Margate; o Poorhole Lane, Broadstairs; o High Street, Minster; o Liverpool Lawn, Ramsgate; o Melbourne Avenue, Ramsgate (3); o Northdown Hill, Broadstairs; o Wherry Close, Margate; o Station Approach Road, Ramsgate; o Artillery Road, Ramsgate; o Trinity Square, Margate.
Councillors made comments regarding the report:
· It was asked what enforcement actions would be taken to ensure enforcement of the new restrictions being proposed. Officers replied that the information behind the double yellow lines was provided by the public and brought to the Council’s attention for further judgement. When it came to enforcement, the Council has had difficulty with recruitment with several reasons being cited, including: lack of appeal from potential applicants and people finding alternative positions that pay more. Councillors were reminded that this was an issue affecting other authorities as well; · Councillors brought up other areas of concern in Thanet which they believe could also have a need for review. They were reminded that reporting these issues through the Council website was the best way to register concerns, with submissions being made by the public as well as refuse workers who frequent the routes; · Councillors were informed that with a feedback process in place, the Council have been working through requests and going back to the people submitting them following the review of the area; · Councillors thanked Penny Button and the hard work of her team which has resulted in ease of movement in the Thanet area; · Councillors spoke regarding issues surrounding Herbert Road, Grosvenor Road and Southwood Road where they felt some attention was needed. They went on to say that although some double yellow lines have been installed in the area, it resulted in parking being pushed out to further areas; · The Board were reminded that it would fall under TDC to paint the lines themselves in the proposed areas. Councillors asked that once the proposal goes ahead, that areas which have been poorly painted get renewed; · The public consultation involved informing local residents through posters on lamp posts, information provided in the library and online information.
Councillors Davis proposed, KCC Councillor Wright seconded and Councillors agreed:
That the listed proposals, provided by TDC and detailed within Annex 1 of the report be approved by the Joint Transport Board and are allowed to proceed to the next stage of public consultation. |
Parking Review This item is a verbal update only from Thanet District Council. Minutes: Penny Button, introduced the report and provided a verbal update for the board, making the following point:
· TDC were in the first stage of a new parking strategy and have recently completed the first consultation, with responses coming through online and paper copies, with the information being collated.
Councillor Munns spoke under Council Rule 20.1:
· He highlighted enforcement and wanted to know what steps the Council were taking to deter people from illegally parking. Officers replied that there was not a definitive answer on how the Council would be approaching that yet, but would like to see enforcement policies included with each new decision made. In terms of removing parked vehicles that were illegally parked, officers informed Councillors that the authority for that would come under KCC unless it was decided by them that TDC could go ahead with the enforcement themselves.
Councillors made the following comments:
· Councillors were happy to hear about the Councils approach at receiving information not just online, but through paper means as well; · Councillors requested further clarification on who enforced what in terms of parking in the Thanet area. Officers replied that double yellow line enforcement comes under TDC, but outside of double yellow lines, enforcement would come under the police; · It was discussed that the Council looks outwards from Thanet in terms of recruitment for enforcement officers. Officers replied that enquiries have been received from people within Thanet as well as outside the area. |