To receive any declarations of
interest. Members are advised to consider the advice contained
within the Declaration of Interest advice attached to this Agenda.
If a Member declares an interest, they should complete theDeclaration of Interest
Councillor Whitehead declared a pecuniary
interest on agenda item 10 (Land at Shottendane Road).
To approve the Minutes of the
Overview and Scrutiny Panel meeting held on 21 November 2023, copy
Under minute item 11 (Cabinet Member
Presentation), one of the responses by Mr Mike Humber should read
“the Council had not charged residents for a bin replacement
as yet.”
Subject to the above amendment, Councillor Kup
proposed, Councillor Austin seconded and Members agreed the minutes
to be a correct record of the extraordinary Panel meeting held on
21 November 2023.
To approve the Minutes of the Extraordinary
Overview and Scrutiny Panel meeting held on 6 December 2023, copy
Councillor Britcher proposed, Councillor
Austin seconded and Members agreed the minutes to be a correct
record of the extraordinary Panel meeting held on 6 December
Bob Porter, Director of Place introduced the
report and made the following comments:
The purpose of the proposals was to
enable the delivery of affordable homes in Thanet;
This would contribute towards the
delivery of 548 homes that Cabinet agreed to deliver each year for
the next four years;
Land for potential delivery of homes
was put forward in the Local Plan;
The Local Plan process would need to
be concluded that would include any identified land for new housing
Gypsy and Traveller Communities: TDC
study identified five transit and seven permanent sites to be
The Council had legal obligations to
provide the traveller communities with facilities;
Government directed that these
facilities be included in the Local Plan;
No decision about the specific sites
had been made;
Four sites might be forwarded to the
Planning Committee for decision;
These applications should not have
detrimental impact on the local surroundings;
The sites should have access to
health and education facilities;
Any applications submitted outside
the Local Plan process would be to be assessed using the four
The proposals in the officer report
were recommendation a public consultation on any proposals and the
consultation would include traveller representatives;
A road network was being proposed to
support new housing development. Cabinet would be asked to approve
the disposal of a piece of land to Kent County Council for road
network construction.
Councillor Whitehead, Deputy Leader of Council
and Cabinet Member for Housing only spoke on the part of this item
that referred to the consultation relating to Shottendane. She made
comments as follows:
It is exceptionally important that
we consider this evening what we are discussing, and what we are
not discussing;
It is recommended that the Overview
and Scrutiny Panel consider the contents of this committee report
and make any recommendations that it would like Cabinet to take
into account when considering the matter at its meeting on 25
January 2024;
The proposed recommendations to the
Cabinet are:
To conduct public consultation with
the Gypsy and Traveller community and neighbouring residents about
the proposal to establish a number of Gypsy and Traveller pitches
on land off of Shottendane Road (area shown in annex 6 to the
Subject to the outcome of the consultation, submit an application
for outline planning permission for the provision of Gypsy and
Traveller Pitches on the land marked 1aii in annex 5 to the
This was a proposal to recommend to
Cabinet that a consultation be undertaken with residents and
Travelling community to consider the potential of a managed site on
land we own at Shottendane;
This was not a new idea, but
choosing to consult on it and asking for input from local resident
input and the Travelling community was new;
The discussion was about the legal
requirement to plan for sites for the Gypsy and Traveller
community. This task was not optional. It was a legal requirement,
as well as a moral requirement;
Cabinet Member Presentation - Background to the Council's Parking Strategy Review
Councillor Keen, Cabinet Members for
Neighbourhoods gave a presentation to the Panel and made the
following comments:
The request for a parking strategy
review was proposed by Councillor Crittenden and Full Council
agreed the proposal;
This would be a district wide review
to establish the view of service users and then get down to the
detail of what needed to be done for the district;
Council draw up a brief that was
used for the tender to secure a consultant for the review;
The intention was to make the review
as broad as was possible, bearing in mind that parking had to
support the economics growth for Thanet;
Significant investments were coming
into the district and the Council needed to be prepared for
The review would look at the daytime
and night time economic activities in the district and aligning
with Net Zero Strategy, the Local Plan and government policy like
the Green Agenda;
The review would take into
consideration the changes in shopping habits that were emerging
with more online shopping and delivery of purchases to residents'
The four week review would start on
29 January 2024. A councillor consultation was planned for 30
January 2024 with the public consultation starting on 5 February
Public consultation meetings would
be both in-person and online;
The Comms team would work alongside
the delivery of the Strategy and Action Plan;
The tender for the review was put
out in August 29023 and awarded in December 2023. Twelve companies
had submitted bids for this tender;
It was important for the public to
take part in this review through the consultation process.
Members asked questions and made comments as
One Member asked if this review was
going to be backed by the Joint Transportation Board;
Would cyclists and other road users
be part of the consultation process?
Was the four week consultation
period long enough for this piece of work?
A significant amount of what TDC
would do after the review depended on KCC, the Highways Authority.
With this in mind, how was the Council going to engage KCC?
There currently was no budget
associated with this review process. How were the review results
going to be implemented?
Some Members understood that KCC was
going to take back responsibility for the Decrim reserves. Was that
still going ahead?
One Member said that they welcomed
the approach that would see the public being consulted on the
current situation regarding parking in the district. What level of
autonomy did TDC have over residents parking schemes?
Could parking schemes have their own
budgets in order to fund their own activities?
Would this review give residents an
opportunity to give feedback regarding yellow lines?
There was a need to enforce the
strategy once the review had been concluded. There was therefore a
need for a recommendation for robust recruitment of enforcement
Penny Button, Head of Neighbourhoods and
Councillor Keen responded to Member questions and comments as
Matt Sanham introduced the report and said
that Cabinet had agreed on an ambitious housing development
programme, which now needed to be funded through the annual budget
Councillor Whitehead made the following
In order to explain the rent
structure and context of the HRA budget further, it was important
to look at what was currently being delivered and what needed to be
delivered in terms of capacity;
TDC used two forms of rental rate
within the general housing stock; social rent and affordable
The Council’s version of
affordable rent was very different from the central government
definition, which generally defined affordable rent as being up to
80% of private rental rates. For Thanet, that would be far from
affordable. TDC therefore used a dual definition; affordable
housing was classed as up to 80% of private rent, but not to exceed
Local Housing Allowance rate (which historically for this area
never met 80% of the private rental market). Simply, Thanet’s
affordable housing would never go above Local Housing
The vast majority of the
Council’s housing stock was at social rent; social rent was a
lower rent than affordable rent, and much lower than private market
At a social rent, a three bed house
would cost approximately £452.52 per month; at TDC affordable
rent, it would cost approximately £704 per month;
On the private market, three bed
homes were currently renting at between £1,100 and
£1,600 per month;
The current Local Housing Allowance
rate for a three bed house was £797.81, meaning that for both
forms of rental that TDC offer would be more than covered by
housing benefit/universal credit, making both accessible for even
the most vulnerable or disadvantaged residents. It was worth noting
that the vast majority of individuals who rely on LHA to afford
their housing were currently trapped within the private rental
market. This was one of the principal reasons for creating and
adopting the accelerated delivery programme, as the most
disadvantaged residents in terms of housing affordability (and
therefore cost of living) were currently within the private sector;
to help them the Council had to expand its provision;
In April the Council was also likely
to see a significant increase in the LHA rate; in all likelihood
this would mean that even the affordable rental would fall within
the mid range of LHA;
The Council portfolio currently
consisted of 3,460 properties; only 165 of these were at an
affordable rent; the rest were let at social rent. The vast
majority of the residents had access to support with rental costs
through housing benefit or the housing element of universal credit,
and therefore any increase was covered by benefits in those
Each year, councils were permitted
to raise rents, with the addition of 1% to the Consumer Price
Index. This September CPI stood at 6.7%; which meant that Councils
were permitted to raise rents by 7.7%. Information received from 19
other Councils regarding their rent increase this year indicated
that all were ... view
the full minutes text for item 29.
Bob Porter introduced the report and said that
the project had been negotiated with the developer. Some of the
properties would be acquired on completion. For this property the
Council would agree a development agreement with the developer and
work with them to completion. The project would move into a surplus
in year 13.
Councillor Whitehead made the following
This item ties in well with the
earlier discussion of the HRA budget;
The Council had a duty to not only
look after those residents who were already within the protection
afforded by a Council tenancy, but also expand this care to those
who were currently trapped within insecure and unaffordable private
The new acquisitions strategy, which
as of tonight would have delivered a significant number of homes in
five months more than the average annual delivery of 18 homes per
year that were delivered over the last ten years. This was a
perfect example of how using the HRA and thinking creatively could
produce outstanding outcomes for residents;
With this purchase the Council was
not only providing a balanced mix of much needed homes, including
three bed houses, but also providing them in St. Peter’s
Ward, which as with some of the previous acquisitions was a
difficult area to access in terms of affordable tenancies;
Using the new strategy and working
consciously to support all of our residents, across housing
sectors, had produced an approach that was producing genuinely
affordable homes across Thanet;
The portfolio holder thanked
officers wholeheartedly for the level of work that had gone into
and continued to go into this project.
Matt Sanham, Head of Finance and Procurement
led the discussion and said that inflation levels had decreased and
the fees and charges had been reviewed taking into consideration
the changes to inflation levels.
Members made comments and asked questions as
Would the Council consider
suspending charges for parking bays during events?
Event organisers were made to pay
for non-paying parking bays. Why was that the case?
Did the Council keep the profit they
received from charging event organisers or was all the income
forwarded to KCC?
There was a need for the Council to
review events and come up with a heritage stratum of events so that
such events were not charged a high fee.
Matt Sanham and Councillor Yates responded as
All on-street parking income
belonged to KCC;
Unfortunately, there were instances
when event organisers were charged for a full day;
Cabinet was considering those issues
and discussions were on-going;
The Portfolio Holder would ensure
that charges for events would not be increased.
Matt Sanham introduced the report and made the
following comments:
The government settlement statement
made little difference to the assumptions that had been made by the
However, the government funding had
contributed significantly to the Council budget and had freed up
Additional money had therefore been
allocated for weed control which would use hot foam;
The same weed control method would
also be used for cleaning graffiti;
£50K had been set aside for
football development for communities and £116k had been set
aside for managing the effects of inflation.
Councillor Yates, Cabinet Member for Corporate
Resources said that the Council had accumulated reserves which were
now at a 10 year high. The focus was on what residents wanted,
including a clean environment.
Members asked questions and made comments as
One Member said that this was a fair
and balanced budget. There was a healthy increase to the
Members thanked officers for
drafting the proposals for this balanced budget;
Members further thanked officers
particularly in Chris Blundell and Matt Sanham for the stewardship
in the treasury management approaches used since 2016 which had
built these reserves;
Other Members welcomed the proposed
cleaning of beaches after summer.
Matt Elmer, Head of Cleansing Services
introduced the report and made the following comments:
This report was about arrangements
for temporary staff i.e. agency workers across a number of Council
The current contract was coming to
an end in April this year and proposed options were for the future
procurement of temporary staff arrangements;
The current contract was a
“call-down” contract and this was therefore not an
obligation to spend the total value of the contract. Cabinet had
requested a report into the use of temporary staff, which would be
forthcoming and also shared with members of Overview and Scrutiny
in due course;
The value of the contract is
approximately £1,3m per annum - 80% of which was within
Cleansing Services which includes household waste collections,
street cleansing and seasonal beach cleansing;
Members were being asked to comment
on the recommendation for Cabinet to agree a competitive
procurement approach under the agreed framework.
Members then asked questions and made comments
as follows:
One Member said that this was a big
counteract with one contractor. Had the Council looked at other
contractors in order to secure the best possible terms?
What was the procurement process
that had identified HR-GO?
How much agency staff was the
Council using for activities that the Council knew would need to be
planned for?
The Council needed to widen its
search to recruit to those difficult to recruit roles;
Members welcomed the review that
would be conducted on how the Council used agency workers to
deliver services;
The Council should develop its own
bank of staff;
Another Member asked how many agency
staff ended up being permanent TDC staff.
Matt Elmer responded to Member questions as
Officers were going to investigate
the issue raised by Members;
HR-GO was the first place to go for
agency staff. Their staff cover mostly sickness leave. The Council
considered two other agencies but HR-GO had the best offer;
It was difficult for the Council to
attract staff for short term roles. That was why agency staff were
being used;
The hourly rate that agency staff
were paid was the same rate that Council staff were also paid;
The best approach to resolve the
staffing issue was for the Council to consider a procurement
Councillor Austin proposed, Councillor Wing
seconded and Members agreed Option 3, (Further Competition under a
Framework for a 3 year contract with a 12 month extension option
with a value of approximately £1.3m per annum).
Tony Marmo, Head of Coastal and Public Realm
introduced the report and requested Members to review the proposals
in the report and make suggestions for consideration by
Members asked questions as follows:
Would there be warranted enforcement
officers to enforce the conditions of the PSPO?
What was the area to be covered by
the PSPO in addition to the beaches?
Was there a designated telephone
number that the public could call to report incidents?
Tony Marmo and Lisa Collingwood, Beaches
Services Manager responded to Member questions as follows:
Currently there were two enforcement
officers and the Council was in the process of recruiting
additional staff in the next three months;
These officers would be trained to
issue penalty notices;
The Enforcement Team would have
regular enforcement meetings with Kent Police;
The Council worked closely with
Broadstairs Town Council over the last three years;
TDC Officers also patrolled Stone
Bay area in Broadstairs;
TDC held discussions with Town
Councils on the Council’s enforcement activities;
It was worth noting that resources
were low to cover adequately the 19 miles of coastline;
E-bikes had been introduced to be
used by the enforcement team, which would help speed up
There was no designated telephone
number that the public could call.
Councillor Manners proposed and Councillor
Green seconded and the Panel agreed to recommend Option.
Hannah Thorpe, Head of Strategy and
Transformation introduced the report and said that a public
consultation was conducted in December which ran through the
Christmas period. The results were now being reported to Council
with the final recommendations on the new corporate priorities.
One Member said that the Council ought to
learn from the responses received through this residents’
survey, to determine who the respondents were, their age groups and
find ways of engaging young people and professionals in order to
improve the feedback from similar consultations.
One Member requested for a cabinet member
presentation on expenditure for the Ramsgate Port and Harbour.
Another Member requested for a cabinet member
presentation on the Council's commercial property assets and how
rental reviews were conducted.
One member also added that they would like to
know more about how these commercial properties were tendered out
and could this review cover a number of years in order to provide a
viable context for discussion.
The Chair said that the Leader would be
approached to make a presentation to the Panel on what lessons had
been learnt regarding the Ramsgate Port and Harbour.
Another Member suggested that the topic
regarding the port and harbour would best be covered as a members
Briefing session topic.
The Chair also said that the Tourism Working
Party would be ready to present their report to the Panel at the 15
February meeting.